10tember11 發表於 17-11-2006 01:46:57

原文章由 TF-121密斯姆 於 16-11-2006 11:52 PM 發表




Bulleye really nice le in variant, no matter in the face and the color.........I also got one le.....heehee.........
I saw a new one in 銀城地庫le.........兩位數 also..........any Bros. interestedcan go cc la :he:

[ 本文章最後由 10tember11 於 17-11-2006 01:53 AM 編輯 ]

10tember11 發表於 17-11-2006 01:52:51

講落又好似係喎!~ 不過响呢度咁耐我都冇同大家講過, 其實我係勁! 勁! 勁! 鍾意忍者龜架!!! 仲要係由細鍾意到大添!! 新版套"忍者龜再作戰"就更加係喜歡!~ 因為角色性格設定好咗, 响呢度一向都只係講DC同Marvel所以都冇提起佢哋, 我直頭當咗忍者龜係超級英雄嚟架啦!!(題外話 : 唔好意思, Devil_Fudou大大我隻鷹眼依家究竟攪成點呢??)

There seems not much ppls love忍者龜 le........i also think that 忍者龜 are super heros also.....haha.............makes me remember an old game in game station long time ago.........can have 4 ppls playing together ga.........

車仔 發表於 17-11-2006 09:37:54

原文章由 10tember11 於 17-11-2006 01:52 AM 發表
There seems not much ppls love忍者龜 le........i also think that 忍者龜 are super heros also.....haha.............makes me remember an old game in game station long time ago.........can have 4 ppls playing together ga......... :handshake::handshake:

I LOVE TMNT very much too~!! :loveliness::loveliness::loveliness:
If people like Punisher (with no super power) can call a superhero, I think TMNT (mutation with ninga skills) should be superheroes too~!! haha~~ :DD:DD:DD

Waiting for the new TMNT movie next year~!! :handshake::handshake::handshake:

[ 本文章最後由 車仔 於 17-11-2006 09:41 AM 編輯 ]

IchigoKurosaki 發表於 17-11-2006 11:26:54

TMNT are superheroes ga! At least I always thought of them that way! hahaha I used to be a fan when I was a kid, but never started again when they re-released them in 2000ish

Spidey 發表於 17-11-2006 20:06:50



mirage 發表於 17-11-2006 20:08:31

原文章由 Spidey 於 17-11-2006 08:06 PM 發表


Spidey 發表於 17-11-2006 20:14:34

原文章由 mirage 於 17-11-2006 08:08 PM 發表


mirage 發表於 17-11-2006 20:16:40

原文章由 Spidey 於 17-11-2006 08:14 PM 發表


Daredaddy 發表於 17-11-2006 21:56:15

原文章由 TF-121密斯姆 於 16/11/2006 23:52 發表




hmm..... 大大, 我索性講埋俾你知........

[ 本文章最後由 nesidoh 於 18-11-2006 09:29 AM 編輯 ]

IchigoKurosaki 發表於 17-11-2006 23:06:42

原文章由 Spidey 於 17-11-2006 08:06 PM 發表


Yeah they are like the Famous Covers Marvel toys from the 90s. They are 8 inch I think, shorter than 12.

henryiny2k 發表於 18-11-2006 00:37:04

these are Hasbro Spiderman Origins Signature Series 1

10tember11 發表於 18-11-2006 05:21:59

原文章由 Spidey 於 17-11-2006 08:06 PM 發表


um.....................looks like "empty heart" plastic figures wor coz' the pose of the spidy and the black costume are totally the same le

Devil_Fudou 發表於 18-11-2006 06:49:48

原文章由 Daredaddy 於 16-11-2006 07:21 AM 發表

嗱!! 奇雲同Duraxyll大大就識嘢啦!!我只係鬱鬱不得志啫! 其實我都唔知幾勁呀!

講落又好似係喎!~ 不過响呢度咁耐我都冇同大家講過, 其實我係勁! 勁! 勁! 鍾意忍者龜架!!! 仲要係由細鍾意到大添!! 新版套"忍者龜再作戰"就更加係喜歡!~ 因為角色性格設定好咗, 响呢度一向都只係講DC同Marvel所以都冇提起佢哋, 我直頭當咗忍者龜係超級英雄嚟架啦!!(題外話 : 唔好意思, Devil_Fudou大大我隻鷹眼依家究竟攪成點呢??)
Bullseye....... Marvel Ultimate Alliance第一個就KO左佢:DD

忍者龜係超級英雄?? Turtle Titans?!?! XD
我有睇架~~ 鬼佬卡通黎講, 呢套新TMNT算係好好睇~~
但係而家新season講到不知所謂, 佢地去左未來, 著晒d未來衫咁, 真係超級不知所謂....所以我已經無追落去lu:ar:

仲o係我屋企呀~ 未得限去寄:cool:

Devil_Fudou 發表於 18-11-2006 06:58:39

原文章由 henryiny2k 於 16-11-2006 10:55 AM 發表
anyone read the new civil war 5?
Daredevil got arrested~
Spiderman nearly got killed and rescued by Punisher
睇左~ 呢期好悶....... 枉我咁期待........
仲枉我早幾日特登買埋Spiderman series隻Mad Jack, 一買完佢就瓜左.....:*

DD又俾人捉得好低能........ 希望只係Cap果邊既計謀........

Cloak&Dagger仲戇居..... 睇都無得睇佢地點樣俾人捉........ 希望其他tie-in會講返啦..... 唉.......

Devil_Fudou 發表於 18-11-2006 07:03:28

原文章由 Duraxyll 於 16-11-2006 12:41 PM 發表

Look carefully a few pages back.

Answer: one of the Daredevil is with Captain America
the other is arrested.

I think think the one arrested is Iron Fist.Break handcuffs, free people, fig ...
no way~!! they're the same one~!!
he was with Cap them, and then later he got arrested
the real one is not even in the US now~!
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