靚次佰 發表於 30-11-2006 11:54:39


達西 發表於 30-11-2006 14:35:49

原文章由 搶錢咩 於 30-11-2006 04:09 AM 發表
買玩具都攪到咁Q麻煩, 真係火滾!!

但細心諗吓, 其實我地自己都有責任! 我發覺好多兄弟都會出post問: "這款玩具有無人訂 / 買呀?", "這隻乜乜你地會買幾多盒呀?" 哩d咁嘅問題, ...


半田健人_555 發表於 30-11-2006 14:39:15

原文章由 henryliuch 於 29-11-2006 08:23 PM 發表
今晚7:00 去左黃埔吉吉, 冇料到.. 只得登哥同430

其實噚晚都打過去黃埔肥脆諗住買part 2,點知佢地話呢part佢地係唔會有貨番!!!!:ice::ice::ice::ice:

henryliuch 發表於 30-11-2006 14:47:36

yes, 佢地一個月前已經預左番唔到..
原文章由 半田健人_555 於 30-11-2006 02:39 PM 發表

其實噚晚都打過去黃埔肥脆諗住買part 2,點知佢地話呢part佢地係唔會有貨番!!!!:ice::ice::ice::ice:

半田健人_555 發表於 30-11-2006 14:49:59

小弟雖然對part 2興趣唔大, 但都會努力為各大大搜刮佢地嘅行蹤!!!!:!:!:!:!

beckham 發表於 30-11-2006 14:52:06


henryiny2k 發表於 30-11-2006 15:47:20

just went to TST TRU, 10 pc of 430 left on shelf

KOG 發表於 30-11-2006 16:04:59

Finally, I can contribute. Found 2 starcream for big big who still haven't got it. Since this forum doesn't allow buy/sell trade. So, pls discuss via PM. 反炒price of course.

炒家 go to hell!

cefai 發表於 30-11-2006 16:10:34

原文章由 KOG 於 30-11-2006 04:04 PM 發表
Finally, I can contribute. Found 2 starcream for big big who still haven't got it. Since this forum doesn't allow buy/sell trade. So, pls discuss via PM. 反炒price of course.

炒家 go to hell!

PM 左你.thanks!

henryiny2k 發表於 30-11-2006 16:21:38

I forgot to say, 2 Megatron still on shelf @ TST TRU

henryliuch 發表於 30-11-2006 16:22:07

good job~
原文章由 KOG 於 30-11-2006 04:04 PM 發表
Finally, I can contribute. Found 2 starcream for big big who still haven't got it. Since this forum doesn't allow buy/sell trade. So, pls discuss via PM. 反炒price of course.

炒家 go to hell!

cefai 發表於 30-11-2006 16:22:44


阿緣 發表於 30-11-2006 16:37:52


aimer 發表於 30-11-2006 16:43:02


henryliuch 發表於 30-11-2006 16:44:18

thanks 大大, 可以pm 報料~
原文章由 阿緣 於 30-11-2006 04:37 PM 發表
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