2022年8月 SHF【龍珠Z】斯路第一形態
本帖最後由 stonekeung01 於 19-2-2022 09:44 AM 編輯NYCC展出
z帶劍杜拉格斯2.0終於有可能磨到出來? 我反而鐘意斯路第2形態 本帖最後由 stonekeung01 於 11-10-2021 10:42 AM 編輯
That's it for New York Comic Con!
I hope you enjoyed the event and some of the new figures we had on display.
I'll leave you with this close up of our teaser panel and a reminder that our next big event will be TAMASHII NATION ONLINE 2021 coming up mid November.
Who do you think will be next?
(The only hint I'll give you is the silhouette is just just a filler and not relevant to the character)
Take care and see you soon!
呢個影可睇到應該係有褲的角色 yugi 發表於 11-10-2021 02:49 PM
如果斯路篇有關,得杜拉格斯最似又無相,不過估計依隻斯路前面都要捱多幾隻先公布幾時出 但好似仲高過完全體? yugi 發表於 11-10-2021 02:49 PM
對鞋個形加埋個頭頂咁圓,似係笛子魔童 >>(The only hint I'll give you is the silhouette is just just a filler and not relevant to the character)
唔關個影事架~ laiken 發表於 11-10-2021 04:38 PM
又笛子魔童{:5_473:} 好明顯係第二形態,斯路遊戲都無咩邊個角色會獨立出多次,不過都希望係杜拉格斯 2.0 但斯路二形態無造過儲氣動作。 windowxp 發表於 16-10-2021 08:06 PM