而家直接打俾paypal開file 等退錢
呢間睇黎真係就執,上星期仲有live chat customer service, 今日唔見埋 Don't buy from them. They still have two orders not delivered to me. Those orders should have been available in July 2020 and September 2020.I have request refund since January 2021. But it seems they selectively ignore refund request. 非常感激Jensonnico ching, 聽你講完試吓send email去請佢地幫手,經過幾次回覆,幾日前NY終於自動自覺覆返我,又話convid19影響,又話之前management 差會轉哂班底,前日話寄出,今日啱啱收到貨,搞咗成年終於攞返應有嘅野,真係唔知點多謝你,請受小弟一拜,再次感謝!:sad: