Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - 1/6th scale Rey and D-O Collectible Set
【Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - 1/6th scale Rey and D-O Collectible Set】 “People keep telling me they know me. No one does.” - Rey A scavenger toughened by life in Jakku’s harsh deserts, Rey has been drawn into a galaxy-spanning conflict and learned that her life is being shaped by the mysterious power of the Force. She seeks out Luke Skywalker, the lost Jedi Master, in hopes that he will aid the Resistance against the First Order and help her control her growing powers. But when that quest ends in disappointment, Rey must find a new way forward. Hot Toys is pleased to officially introduce the new 1/6th scale Rey and D-O collectible set from the final chapter of the Skywalker saga. The highly-accurate Rey collectible figure is expertly crafted based on her appearance in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. It features a newly developed head and hair sculpture, meticulously tailored outfit, a lightsaber, an interchangeable lightsaber blade emulating the weapon in motion, Rey’s signature quarterstaff, a blaster, a training helmet and remote, and a desert theme figure stand! The new droid D-O features detailed mechanical designs, articulations, and finely applied weathering effects! Add the new 1/6th scale Rey and D-O collectibles to your Star Wars collection today! #HotToys #Collectibles #SixthScale #Lucasfilm #StarWars #TheRiseofSkywalker #SWEP9 #DaisyRidley #Rey #DO新頭雕好像更加不似,而且又好像不是發光劍… 後傳三部曲除了故事失敗,選角也不吸引,新世代主角們唔係靚仔靚女唔緊要,但唔好去到醜嘅程度,上集那個肥妹,到呢一刻我都唔明點解搵佢做...... Headsculpt is worst than E8, which is worst than E7.Easy pass. :angry:請把兩年多前的商品先發完好嗎?究竟隻1/4joker仲要等幾耐? 係咪我眼花⋯⋯
個頭咁似佢自己出既黑寡婦(疑似又唔似scarlett johansson)個頭雕既⋯⋯?? 近年HT真的好唔掂,價高不特止,頭雕沒點進步,物料也唔持久,尤其出貨實物和官圖有時大有出入,當然本人明白大貨比起官圖會沒有那麼細緻,但係對比賣價實在說服不到自己去訂,真的好懷念DX鼎盛的日子,對比現在真的性價比超高!
利申:本人已停止購買HT,不過仍期待HT讓我可以再次支持,最後一隻是DX15船長,品質高兼細緻,真的超抵玩! bigbigfriend 發表於 15-11-2019 08:39 PM
後傳三部曲除了故事失敗,選角也不吸引,新世代主角們唔係靚仔靚女唔緊要,但唔好去到醜嘅程度,上集那個肥 ...
因為係滴滴泥出品,左膠當道,要多元文化包容,肥妹都可以做主角。 7~8~9集計,epvii 果只最好⋯⋯
女仔手幼,又有帶裝飾⋯⋯所以不能如男luke般換手臂出光劍 點解個樣可以咁唔似都post出黎,HT以前既熱血去哂邊?