10月 PSP Gundam Battle Chronicle+官網(24/9 p.2 合體技!!)
http://www.bandaigames.channel.or.jp/list/psp_gundam_chronicle/from gunota headline:
Game Star has details about the PSP game, coming October 4. It's listed as the 3rd in the Gundam Battle series, following the previous Gundam Battle Tactics and Gundam Battle Royale. The game has complete campaign missions for First, Z, and 0083 and also at least includes MS from ZZ and CCA. With the new chain mission system, mission content changes constantly based on gameplay circumstances. Coop play is possible on all the over 100 missions so if one person is having trouble clearing a particular one, they can bring in a friend to help. Versus mode formats (1 vs. 1, 1 vs. 3, etc.) can be freely chosen. Additional missions and other elements will be unlockable via passwords given out through magazines. Every MS, as well as their weapons and shields, will be customizable using points you receive by clearing missions.
[ 本文章最後由 tom.com 於 25-9-2007 06:26 PM 編輯 ] The latest issue of Famitsu reveals the game includes space and underwater missions as well as the following mobile suits: S Gundam, GP02, Dendrobium, Xamel, Gerbera Tetra, GP01, Nu Gundam, ZZ Gundam, Qubeley, Psyco Gundam Mk II, Dijeh, The O, Gabthley, and Baund Doc. updated 有d興趣:shiny: Good!
I can play without fighting for TV usage. Gundam Battle Royale 仲未攞腸仔機... :no::no::no:
之前日日同同事係Office 打, 最愛用鑽嘴機(<-其實小心D用係好抵用~) 同08小隊架自護MA. (<- 1架換3,4架MK-II 先圍到數, 次次用架MA都輸, 勝在好玩.)
話時話Gundam Battle Royale跌價跌到$13X 真恐怖~ updated 原文章由 阿洛 於 2-8-2007 03:04 PM 發表
Gundam Battle Royale 仲未攞腸仔機... :no::no::no:
之前日日同同事係Office 打, 最愛用鑽嘴機(<-其實小心D用係好抵用~) 同08小隊架自護MA. (<- 1架換3,4架MK-II 先圍到數, 次次用架MA都輸, 勝在好 ...
如果遊戲整體改到類似climax of UC會幾好:shy:
唔知呢隻新GAME要咩VERSION既PSP先玩到呢:he: 機體係吸引
好耐都未試過用部 psp 玩 psp 0既game :(:( 必入之作!:):) http://www.onlineplayer.jp/modules/gallery/cache/albums/albus30/01_G.sized.jpg
[ 本文章最後由 tom.com 於 10-8-2007 06:11 PM 編輯 ] 原文章由 tom.com 於 10-8-2007 06:10 PM 發表
終於有波揸~ 最好有K波!!!:*:*:* (揸車果種揸, K波 = 橙波:shy::shy::shy: )
Sub weapon = call ball:?:?:? 圍抽...:DD:DD:DD
正~! 原文章由 阿洛 於 11-8-2007 02:52 PM 發表
終於有波揸~ 最好有K波!!!:*:*:* (揸車果種揸, K波 = 橙波:shy::shy::shy: )
Sub weapon = call ball:?:?:? 圍抽...:DD:DD:DD