SONDER新品1/6 宋朝第二彈 岳家破敵軍-隊將
SONDER新品1/6 宋朝第二彈 岳家破敵軍-隊將(SD002)配置清單
★ 頭雕 x1顆
★ 磁力髮髻 x1顆
★ 素體 x1個
★ 造型手 x3對
★ 頭盔 x1頂
★ 襆頭x1頂
★ 宋式兵服 x1 套
★ 領巾 x1條
★ 護臂 x1 對
★ 護腰 x1 條
★ 腰帶 x1 條
★ 銙帶x1 條
★ 長襪 x1雙
★ #腿 x2 條
★ 步靴 x1雙
★ 披膊 x1副
★ 皮包x1
★ 純手工穿制身甲 x1副
★ 斬馬刀x 1柄
★ 斬馬刀鞘x 1柄
★ 金屬手刀 x1件
★ 手刀鞘x1件
One(1)simulation head sculpture
One(1) magneticbun of hair
One(1) movablebody
Three(3) pair ofmodeling hands
One(1) Helmet
One(1) headwearfor officials
One(1) suit ofuniform of Song Dynasty
One(1) neckerchief
One(1) armguards
One(1) abdominalarmor
One(1) waistband
One(1) leather belt
One(1) clothsocks
One(1) leg guard
One(1) pair ofartisanal cloth shoes
One(1) Shoulder armor
One(1) storagebag on waist
One(1) armor
One(1) broadswordof Song Dynasty
One(1) broadswordpouch
One(1) metalhand knife
One(1) knifepouch
Release date: 3rd quarter in 2018