Threezero 新世代 "1/6 ULTRAMAN SUIT"
繼承円谷製作公司特攝經典名作《超人奧特曼》世界觀、Threezero 將清水榮一和下口智裕合作的新世代 "1/6 ULTRAMAN SUIT" 完美實體化!1月26日早上9時正於 'threezero 官方網站' 開始接受預購,定價 HKD2025 / USD260。 (全球包郵)"1/6 ULTRAMAN SUIT"身高12.2"(31厘米),忠於清水榮一風格設定的新世代ULTRAMAN外觀,具備超過40個關節的高可動素體。 眼睛的LED發光功能,胸部可轉換藍/紅兩色的發光計時器和兩隻手臂上的發光裝置。兩隻手臂上的刀片特效;精緻像真的早田進次郎(Shinjiro)可換頭雕(由日本原型師大山竜Ryu Oyama 雕刻);和四對可交換的手。
"1/6 ULTRAMAN SUIT" 可動人偶詳細內容:
*像真的早田進次郎(Shinjiro)頭雕(由日本原型師大山竜Ryu Oyama 雕刻);
需要8 x AG1鈕扣電池;(不包括電池和電池)
千值練有合金,呢隻冇。但呢隻上色靚有舊化同頭雕!揀邊隻好? 3A的比例果然還是很奇特...這支感覺好乾瘦..
千值另有頭雕版似樣過呢件! Threezero's version really is below Sentinel's version... IMO. The sculpture of Shinjiro's head is kind a ugly. 除了個頭,好似差不多…… 整體看起來沒有千值練好 Why doesn't make the fingers movable as well? 一有想訂的念頭, 即記起那垃圾robocop, 全身燃燒起來 :* 唔知訂價同超人開訂未呢!⋯⋯:( AYXXX 發表於 1-2-2017 02:11 AM
Already started.
bigtomm 發表於 26-1-2017 10:38 PM
Just wonder, it has red and blue light parts on chest but the blades on arm are still blue.
The red light means limiter release, not energy indicator, the blades should be red and body should be red too. It is wrong in this version................
genesicgaogaiga 發表於 1-2-2017 04:00 PM
Just wonder, it has red and blue light parts on chest but the blades on arm are still blue.
The r ...
That is the main point i disregard this products although the body's paint and deco more detail then Sentinel one....
widekaze 發表於 5-2-2017 11:51 AM
That is the main point i disregard this products although the body's paint and deco more detail th ...
if it launched a real limiter release version, I will consider 望落去可動性比千記差,兩個招牌pose動冇禁自然,同埋重點係手甲冇得打開??
利申:本人買左千值練1開始出果隻 早田進次郎