niknay 發表於 11-1-2017 21:24:44


2littlemoney 發表於 11-1-2017 21:31:12

本帖最後由 2littlemoney 於 11-1-2017 09:37 PM 編輯

niknay 發表於 11-1-2017 09:24 PM

HT 師傅雕慣死魚眼,有眼神已經好難, 仲要崢凌?!呢隻眼算有神啦, $1390 收貨了!

2littlemoney 發表於 11-1-2017 22:22:59

個人覺得套衣服靚過哂 suicide squad joker 果幾件, 今次 HT 好比心機做 arkham batman 呢條 line wor!

taylortoy01 發表於 12-1-2017 04:45:57

出得joker ,反而 harley quinn出機會大過arkham knight,但係隻game d 女角無個靚.....

waynex5 發表於 12-1-2017 10:47:24


whitedol 發表於 12-1-2017 11:03:12

both batman and joker figures are very nice!my only comment for joker is it seems over detailed on the face

jeffloh 發表於 12-1-2017 12:59:46

我全部arkham系列都有玩 (除了VR果款). 講真呢隻joker HT做得唔錯, 個樣都好似. 不過我唔會訂了, 一來唔特別喜歡joker, 二來等o左太耐先至出, 已經無o左好想擁有的心態了. Arkham knight batman我都無訂(因覺得唔靚), 之前只訂了arkham asylum版 batman果款.

2littlemoney 發表於 12-1-2017 13:14:53

compare it with the arkham asylum joker PF statue from sideshow.

acq 發表於 12-1-2017 15:32:52

笑容親切 ..... {:1_374:}

2littlemoney 發表於 12-1-2017 15:39:59

本帖最後由 2littlemoney 於 12-1-2017 03:42 PM 編輯

whitedol 發表於 12-1-2017 11:03 AM
both batman and joker figures are very nice!my only comment for joker is it seems over detailed on ...

dont worry, their final head sculptsare usually just around 8x% as detail as the prototypes!

ultramanwai 發表於 12-1-2017 17:08:06

HT收集咗意見會否改過個頭雕呢 ?

2littlemoney 發表於 12-1-2017 17:32:13


白少一 發表於 12-1-2017 17:47:48


2littlemoney 發表於 12-1-2017 20:09:25

原來 sideshow 隻 premium format statue joker 而家 TH 都有得賣,連個 pose 都一樣!

taylortoy01 發表於 13-1-2017 10:47:33

2littlemoney 發表於 12-1-2017 01:14 PM
compare it with the arkham asylum joker PF statue from sideshow.

頁: 1 [2] 3
查看完整版本: Hot Toys Batman: Arkham Asylum 1/6 the Joker Collectible