SHF 關節 有冇散件代替
想問下師兄有冇地方有Shf 盤骨關節散件 因舊版那些很易裂開甚至斷 連全新未開都可能有此問題除左膠有冇辦法造到metal 模?
暫只見山口在淘寶有散件 最簡單>買過隻
再唔係,某d型號如ironman>買隻老翻換 driftchu 發表於 12-1-2017 10:03 PM
或者買一隻cheap SHF去改。 老翻只翻外形,質素唔掂!我試過幫人醫老翻 Iron man 條腰,整整下左腳(大脾)都甩埋。於是順手救大脾,右盤骨就斷...結果而家只能屍站... then maybe the best way is to buy others second hand broken figure which expect to throw away and i buy for the parts of concern if have users
available( if anyone has pleasure to pm me , i need few at least ) , unless there has specific parts to enhance parts release in future to support the problems , thx