c.ryo 發表於 8-6-2017 23:48:01

本帖最後由 c.ryo 於 8-6-2017 11:52 PM 編輯

我又唔覺得有同灰模有乜唔同,相反笨呆隻番啤變成小頭症更趕客⋯笨呆呢排搞乜鬼搞到啲合金魂又mary 咀又小頭症:72:

newnov 發表於 9-6-2017 06:05:03

馬仔 發表於 8-6-2017 11:51 AM
6月份會出呢隻天威, 唔知佢出唔出到或DELAY.
個日行過旺角千值專門店, 佢DISPLAY左實物出來, 我見到功夫漢 ...


taken 發表於 9-6-2017 06:53:30

馬仔 發表於 8-6-2017 11:51 AM
6月份會出呢隻天威, 唔知佢出唔出到或DELAY.
個日行過旺角千值專門店, 佢DISPLAY左實物出來, 我見到功夫漢 ...

依家千記野一定要等報告出左先好入!雖然有事可以拎返去代理到但貪得閒咩…… 我覺得之後會出隻鮮紅配黃色TV ver改版..睇定D

馬仔 發表於 9-6-2017 09:00:41

Gundam6j 發表於 8-6-2017 11:01 PM

其實佢個出貨日, 我都估佢會DELAY, 因為佢都有前科, 而且呢隻公佈時間同出貨時間都比較近, 佢唔係B記, 時間無咁準.
睇番下面張相同當時見到實物, 功夫漢表面好多"平面", 無咩線條, 成舊積木咁, 表面處理感覺好粗糙, 唔知到時實物是否會一樣,

希望唔好太差, 越來越覺得中左蕉咁(個人感覺, 不喜勿插).

Gainax 發表於 9-6-2017 09:40:31




VVJJ 發表於 9-6-2017 11:24:34

Gainax 發表於 9-6-2017 09:40 AM

大部份活動位係 ...

已改到不是天威勇士 :38:

凡高 發表於 9-6-2017 11:41:32


草根雜品 發表於 9-6-2017 13:35:25

馬仔 發表於 9-6-2017 09:00 AM
其實佢個出貨日, 我都估佢會DELAY, 因為佢都有前科, 而且呢隻公佈時間同出貨時間都比較近, 佢唔係B記, 時 ...


tower 發表於 9-6-2017 13:51:05


edwardfocal 發表於 9-6-2017 19:37:47


HakiRyu 發表於 9-6-2017 20:02:20

God, seriously? You guys still complaining about this subject? For people who already pre-order it and is complaining about it, nobody was there forcing you to pre-order it, so stop whining like a teenage girl! For people who don't like it, don't buy it then and get the Bandai SOC reissue - and also learn to give out constructive criticisms instead of moronic ones; it doesn't help anybody at all. For people who put's on a 'mask' in their everyday life, if you are going to complain now and then end up buying it later or have already pre-ordered it, do us a favor and keep you 'hypocrisy' to yourself and shut up. We all have our right to talk about a certain subject, but don't act like a bunch of teenage girls. The item is going to come out at the end of this month, let us see what Sentinel's Baikanfu has to offer for us.

faixwong 發表於 9-6-2017 21:12:04


kinis 發表於 12-7-2017 14:32:13

就7月中了, 唔知千值會否如期出貨? 本已由6月推到7月

馬仔 發表於 12-7-2017 15:51:02

kinis 發表於 12-7-2017 02:32 PM
就7月中了, 唔知千值會否如期出貨? 本已由6月推到7月

預左佢會遲, 佢唔係BANDAI咁準時.

kinis 發表於 13-7-2017 09:28:35

馬仔 發表於 12-7-2017 03:51 PM
預左佢會遲, 佢唔係BANDAI咁準時.

咁都寧願佢整得完美點先出貨, 應該唔會咁求其卦, 連CMS 都出到隻高狄安見得下人咁, 千值點都好少少吧
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查看完整版本: 千值練 天威勇士 無敵鐵甲人 (#203 updated video 介紹)