Vince 發表於 1-3-2017 22:05:56

taken 發表於 1-3-2017 09:30 PM
等佢地可以修改 ...

其實 ... 最大既問題係 ... 外觀 ... 老老實實,佢既 改變 真係唔係 個個人接受到 ... :42:
但外觀肯定已經 approve 左,冇得變 ar ...

taken 發表於 1-3-2017 22:13:17

Vince 發表於 1-3-2017 10:05 PM
其實 ... 最大既問題係 ... 外觀 ... 老老實實,佢既 改變 真係唔係 個個人接受到 ...
但外觀肯定 ...


gazza1211 發表於 1-3-2017 22:23:52

taken 發表於 1-3-2017 09:30 PM
等佢地可以修改 ...


taken 發表於 1-3-2017 22:29:43

gazza1211 發表於 1-3-2017 10:23 PM
細心睇空殼圖、佢d支架,紅色機械人怎麼樣抬起膊頭手臂有點疑問。。。。嗰d上色pose圖,只有 ...

so i wait report sin buy or not...:(i don't want first day is broken

HakiRyu 發表於 1-3-2017 22:46:12

本帖最後由 HakiRyu 於 1-3-2017 10:51 PM 編輯

Sentinel's version is the winner here in my opinion. I really like the design and it looks more closer to the one we see in the anime. But the price is really steep... Toys in our era has become a high end collectible, can't not really complain. The only thing I hope is that this line and Baikanfu will not 'break' easily compared to Dancouga. We are paying a premium price for this high end collectible after all. Too bad Sentinel's version doesn't come with Rom's sister and the mountain like the GX-39 does.
genesicgaogaiga, there is no worse or worser my friend. It's either you buy or not, that is the question. Both Baikanfu has their pros and cons, one is almost 10 years ago the other is new. Iin my opinion, Sentinel's version is closer to the anime version so this has already got my attention. The Bandai one, to me, think of it as an SIC version with very expose areas.

haha19880311 發表於 1-3-2017 22:53:28


xleo 發表於 1-3-2017 23:29:22


Nashlam 發表於 1-3-2017 23:55:46

Sentinel one looks completely different from Bandai.

genesicgaogaiga 發表於 1-3-2017 23:58:00

本帖最後由 genesicgaogaiga 於 1-3-2017 11:59 PM 編輯

xleo 發表於 1-3-2017 11:29 PM
我都係鐘意動畫先買玩具,忠於完著好D,呢隻真係改得OVER左(好似武者頑無駄),無左個味道,加上超 ...
I have Bandai one and I will buy this Sentinel ver. I dont have problem with the design as a transformable toy can rarely have a perfect outlook. Dancouga Sentinel is great in outlook but the joins really suck. Looking at the joints shoulders and hips, I really worry that it will break again like Dancouga.May be D1 again. Unless it used metal like Bandai, otherwise it is even more fragile than Dancouga

haha19880311 發表於 2-3-2017 00:27:42

本帖最後由 haha19880311 於 2-3-2017 12:29 AM 編輯


凡高 發表於 2-3-2017 02:22:57

本帖最後由 凡高 於 2-3-2017 02:24 AM 編輯

大家有冇留意到,,,,劍狼同無敵鐵甲人個狼頭標誌唔一樣{:1_372:}((睇個盾 同心口)),,,,無敵鐵甲人心口標誌醜樣好多{:1_224:}另外,阿龍個頭有啲扁........

mj23 發表於 2-3-2017 03:39:04

benbenben4213 發表於 1-3-2017 07:26 PM

大家仲記唔記得早前出嗰本超合金魂 ...

高迪安既草圖, 有一張係整到合金魂隻天威咁樣大大舊舊, 千萬唔好.

Tachikoma 發表於 2-3-2017 04:48:51


馬仔 發表於 2-3-2017 07:55:40

benbenben4213 發表於 1-3-2017 07:26 PM

大家仲記唔記得早前出嗰本超合金魂 ...

FAZZZZ 發表於 2-3-2017 08:53:01

本帖最後由 FAZZZZ 於 2-3-2017 09:21 AM 編輯


="機械感" + "體(美)型比例"+ "精緻化" 相信是消費者是樂於接受的.

天威紅機改到除了頭.狼頭LOGO.顏色其他全不同 這是要怎麼接受???


定價那麼高卻要消費者買一個相似度不高的產品   更甚者是否後來再推出修正版或同超獸鷹戰機般在單賣紅機再讓消費者在多花費一次?

一定有人會說沒人強迫購買不喜歡就不要買!!   我相信這道理大家都知道只是一個愛好的腳色,一家好的公司,就這麼將一個經過長時間等待好不容易輪到的商品白白浪費,   真是氣不過!!
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