60CM高 大魔神 & 1/6 鐵甲萬能俠1號、2號駕駛員 劍鐵也&兜甲兒 可動人偶
60CM高 大魔神 & 1/6 鐵甲萬能俠1號、2號駕駛員 劍鐵也&兜甲兒 可動人偶嘩!明明係漫畫人物,都唔明點解會雕成咁,風格又唔係漫畫又唔係真人版,如果淨係得個頭雕,10個有10個唔知佢雕邊個:ice: 呢間抽水 figure 廠重未執咩? The head sculpts look like 70s cartoon. 先生邊位呀⋯⋯:( 長大墮落的亞湯姆嗎? 好詭異 先生邊位嚟呀⋯⋯:@
鐵也還好,甲兒個髮型咁搞怪既? 個人覺得“究極真神”靚 d. hi, want to know if the Pileder has magnet on bottom to mount on Mazinger or just loosely fit onto it?
also can you tell me what articulation it has?
does the head move? mine facing abit low even move the feet still abit low. 九成雕唔出甲兒的髮型啦啦! 兜甲兒都係後追返
AZONE果隻算啦... 得談笑