stockholder 發表於 30-6-2016 21:29:31

Hot toys 1/4 iron man Mark xlii deluxe version & normal version

本帖最後由 stockholder 於 31-1-2017 12:12 AM 編輯

Today we are very thrilled to officially present the first 1/4th scale Iron Man collectible figure – the Mark XLII Collectible Figure from Marvel's Iron Man 3!

The movie-accurate 1/4th scale Mark XLII Collectible Figure is remarkably detailed and meticulously crafted based on the image of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Mark XLII in Iron Man 3. This collectible figure stands 49cm (20 inches) tall, featuring a newly sculpted battle damaged Tony Stark helmeted head sculpt, interchangeable helmeted head, specially applied metallic gold, red and silver colors on armor with weathering effects, a number of interchangeable battle damaged armor parts, a battery booster Tony Stark used to recharge the armor as seen in the film, LED light-up functions on eyes, arc reactor and repulsors, LED lights shine through various areas of armor. This deluxe version will exclusively include a specially designed Arc Reactor-themed figure base with LED light up function and detachable gantry arms.

Iron Man fans shouldn’t pass up on the opportunity to add this incredibly detailed 1/4th scale collectible figure of the Mark XLII to your great collection!

#Marvel #IronMan3【高度還原精密結構與完美比例戰損裝甲經典重現激烈戰況!極致還原裝甲機關細節豪華機械裝置情景地台   足本呈現連頭盔像真頭雕】

Hot Toys繼廣受好評的Quarter Scale 《復仇者聯盟:奧創紀元》鐵甲奇俠Mark XLIII1:4 比例珍藏人偶後,再度施展淋漓盡致的高端人偶製作工藝,動員團隊上下精英,以電影《鐵甲奇俠3》的終極戰甲型號鐵甲奇俠Mark XLIII為藍本,合力打造了這個不論外觀比例、機械結構和可動性均近乎完美的Mark XLII 1:4 比例珍藏人偶,給所有鍾愛這部經典Iron Man電影和角色的影迷及收藏家,能夠擁有這個精緻度冠絕全線Iron Man人偶的頂級傑作,列入不可多得的永久收藏。

鐵甲奇俠Mark XLII 1:4 比例珍藏人偶備有全新極像真Tony Stark戰損頭雕、採用最新Iron Man人偶的關節系統模式,結合超強可動結構製作而成高約49cm、具有逾40個靈活關節的鐵甲奇俠機械素體、高度金屬質感的裝甲、附有開合兩種形態的LIGHT CAPSULE作專用配件、導彈裝置系統及雙肩流彈炮配件等,保證滿足到一眾講究人偶極致還原度的專業粉絲。
此外Hot Toys更推出鐵甲奇俠Mark XLII1:4 比例珍藏人偶 (豪華版),特別加配一組以Gantry機械臂與基地部件組合成發光豪華情景地台供一眾超級粉絲選購,整套作品的水準表現及可玩性肯定會令每位Iron Man擁躉驚喜萬分、讚不絕口!

由即日起Hot Toys香港專門店 ─ Secret Base接受顧客預訂。

Hot Toys Limited 及Secret Base保留更改上述活動之條款及細則的權利,如有任何爭議,本公司將保留最終決定權。
The newly introduced “1/4th scale Mark XLII Collectible Figure (Deluxe Version)” & “1/4th scale Mark XLII Collectible Figure” are now taking pre-order!
Customers can come to Hot Toys' Hong Kong Official Store - Secret Base to pre-order starting today!
Hot Toys Limited & Secret Base reserve the rights for final decision of the above terms & conditions if changes occur.

stockholder 發表於 30-6-2016 21:35:11

本帖最後由 stockholder 於 31-1-2017 12:21 AM 編輯

“The prodigal son returns.” – Tony Stark

The Iron Man Mark XLII, Tony Stark’s iconic main armor in Marvel’s Iron Man 3, is making a return in a “big” way! Hot Toys is delighted to create more amazing collectible figures for all the Iron Man fans around the world and very excited to officially introduce today the stunningly detailed 1/4th scale Mark XLII collectible figure from Iron Man 3!

The movie-accurate 1/4th scale Mark XLII Collectible Figure is strikingly detailed and meticulously crafted based on the image of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Mark XLII in Iron Man 3. This collectible figure stands 49cm (20 inches) tall, featuring a newly sculpted battle damaged Tony Stark helmeted head sculpt, interchangeable helmeted head, specially applied metallic gold, red and silver colors on armor with weathering effects, a number of interchangeable battle damaged armor parts, a battery booster Tony Stark used to recharge the armor as seen in the film, LED light-up functions on eyes, arc reactor and repulsors, LED lights shine through various areas of armor, and figure stand.

Iron Man fans shouldn’t pass up on the opportunity to add this incredibly detailed 1/4th scale collectible figure of the Mark XLII to your great collection!

#Marvel #IronMan3
The Iron Man Mark XLII Quarter Scale Collectible Figure specially features:
[*]An authentic and detailed likeness of Iron Man Mark XLII in Iron Man 3
[*]Newly sculpted battle damaged helmeted head sculpt with authentic likeness of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark in the film
[*]Interchangeable helmeted head with LED light-up function (white light, battery operated)
[*]Approximately 49 cm / 20 inches tall
[*]Over 40 points of articulation
[*]Special features on armor:
[*]All-new specially applied metallic gold, red and silver colored painting on armor with weathering effects
[*]LED-lighted eyes, circle-shaped Arc Reactor on chest, and back (white light, battery operated)
[*]LED lights can shine through sides of chest, forearms, and back of legs (blue light, battery operated)
[*]One (1) interchangeable battle damaged mask
[*]One (1) interchangeable battle damaged chest armor
[*]One (1) pair of interchangeable battle damaged shoulder armor
[*]One (1) pair of interchangeable battle damaged bicep armor
[*]One (1) pair of interchangeable battle damaged forearm armor
[*]One (1) pair of attachable shoulder missiles
[*]One (1) pair of interchangeable forearm rocket armor
[*]Three (3) pairs of interchangeable hands including:
- One (1) pair of hands with articulated fingers and light-up repulsors (white light, battery operated)
- One (1) pair of fists
- One (1) pair of repulsor-firing hands
[*]Articulated flaps on legs
[*]Fully deployable air flaps at back of the armor
[*]Articulations on waist armor which allow flexible movement
[*]Each head sculpt is specially hand-painted
[*]One (1) articulated flash bang
[*]One (1) battery booster with electrical cables
[*]Figure stand with Mark XLII nameplate and the movie logo

roselee633 發表於 30-6-2016 21:36:49

:no: U win again Hottoys.......must buy

MyGalaxy 發表於 30-6-2016 21:39:58


holam 發表於 30-6-2016 21:41:29


roywong 發表於 30-6-2016 21:44:10


weio_o 發表於 30-6-2016 21:55:44

how much            ??

2littlemoney 發表於 30-6-2016 22:01:51

roywong 發表於 30-6-2016 09:44 PM

i guess at least $4400!!!

地獄滾球 發表於 30-6-2016 22:02:06

MyGalaxy 發表於 30-6-2016 09:39 PM


漫威Ironman3裡的Mk XLII珍藏玩偶!


Dcmarvel 發表於 30-6-2016 22:22:55


2littlemoney 發表於 30-6-2016 22:25:47

Dcmarvel 發表於 30-6-2016 10:22 PM

誠意=$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ {:1_203:}

hawker 發表於 30-6-2016 22:29:38

大貨有咁既戰損效果就真心正 發表於 30-6-2016 22:38:41


Kolzz 發表於 30-6-2016 22:51:09


天馬流星拳 發表於 30-6-2016 23:01:18

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