火味兒 發表於 24-6-2015 00:10:54

可惡!!Hoppy Link Japan 又無端cut 單,除了硬食,仲可以點?

可惡!已經第二次無理cut 單,第一次己啞忍,呢次忍無可忍,send 投訴信我己覺得無用,請問除了硬食,仲可以點?


This is Mark Kutsugi at HobbyLink Japan. Thank you for your recent order for Bandai's BAN992012 DX Chogokin VF-19 Advance.

The stock status of that item was actually Order Stop when you placed your order. Unfortunately, a bug in our system allowed an order button to appear when that item's page was accessed through a "secure.hlj.com" URL. That bug has been corrected now.

Orders are filled in chronological order. The last of our stock of this fantastically popular item has been allocated now, and we regret to inform you that it unfortunately will not be possible to fill your order. You were not charged for it, and it has been cancelled.

We are very sorry about this situation. We appreciate your understanding, and hope to serve you in the future.

Best Regards,

Mark Kutsugi
HobbyLink Japan

村長 發表於 24-6-2015 00:48:51


呂品器 發表於 24-6-2015 01:37:55

HLJ真係越做越差。之前我都試過被cancel order,遇過客服態度又差,唔講我以為我申請緊咩福利要求人。

我唔敢話日後唔幫襯佢,但有得揀,佢唔會係preferred shop了。以前係架。

kogfss 發表於 24-6-2015 07:25:43


VF27 發表於 24-6-2015 09:55:41

same here,人在國外,諗住只有靠hobbylink依D網先有得玩,而家咩都冇😂😢

kogfss 發表於 24-6-2015 10:32:47

星期五嗰次再開就已出貨了。星期六有師兄出佐條line上去是貨的,但再係首頁搜尋VF19就會Order Stop,所以個網嗰頁有Bug,而家上嗰頁都error 了。

denniskwong 發表於 24-6-2015 10:55:21

可以以後唔幫襯佢! 我一定唔再買佢野

AK30 發表於 24-6-2015 12:23:46

haha i have received the mail too, and replied HLJ with "always let the customers down" in this way...............

hon8815 發表於 24-6-2015 12:33:19

Me too:time:         

gumdum2387 發表於 24-6-2015 12:55:07


大懶熊貓 發表於 24-6-2015 13:08:46


kogfss 發表於 24-6-2015 13:55:33


鴨仔 發表於 24-6-2015 14:00:48

gumdum2387 發表於 24-6-2015 12:55 PM

Closed again......

mcdulldull2 發表於 24-6-2015 14:22:55


大ken 發表於 24-6-2015 18:00:29

鴨仔 發表於 24-6-2015 02:00 PM
Closed again......

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