keishu 發表於 30-3-2015 07:07:07

LEGO 畀錯件或唔見件

小弟最近中左LEGO毒 前後入左10237同10188兩套大set...但兩套都有唔見件或畀錯件...命中比例逹百分之百:cool: 雖然可以叫lego寄返畀我 但砌砌下發現咁真係好無癮 又要等兩三個星期。


Vaio 發表於 30-3-2015 07:58:09

會有機會,但不常見.好多時可能看錯顏色,好似淺灰同深灰,或者深灰同黑,因為Instruction 顏色接近,有可能用錯.我砌咗有超過50盒,試過有兩至三盒.七盒modular 都冇事

What type of parts you are missing

keishu 發表於 30-3-2015 09:21:15

Vaio 發表於 30-3-2015 07:58 AM
會有機會,但不常見.好多時可能看錯顏色,好似淺灰同深灰,或者深灰同黑,因為Instruction 顏色接近,...

10237 係一塊2X2 Corner slope brick (做屋頂轉角) 佢畀左一塊普通2X2我
三條1x4 tile 佢畀左 1X3我

10188 佢有條2X8 畀左2X6 仲有只1X6畀左1X4

叫左佢寄黎不過我估我會去INS 買返算, 唔鬼等佢!

Vaio 發表於 30-3-2015 09:36:59

I heard people has issue similar to that,but i never.normally,i will recheck the step upon to the point you have issue.sometimesyou may get some surprise.for me especially, cause I have to wait for my kids sleep first before i built,it could be midnight for me to start building

I hope you resolve it quick!have fun building

超港人 發表於 30-3-2015 12:13:11

keishu 發表於 30-3-2015 14:20:13

我而家買兩SET 兩SET都錯.....係我太好彩了吧.......

Leslieinaus 發表於 30-3-2015 20:39:32

I have experienced it two times I believe, one for architecture Sydney Opera House, and the other one is the Brick Bounty AKA the pirate ship
I asked Lego to send back, it took about two to three weeks for the pirate ship,(the part was not so important, so I could keep on building)
and didn't ask for the sydney opera house, because it's too small and would not affect the look of it anyway
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