takeshi 發表於 27-11-2014 15:04:39

fTmxM 發表於 27-11-2014 02:22 PM


kogfss 發表於 27-11-2014 15:42:27

takeshi 發表於 27-11-2014 03:00 PM
係啦...今次吾知做乜....希望吾好出事,有,我覺得呢隻同00 係PG中出得最好的了...必入~~


bin 發表於 27-11-2014 17:23:11

whitedol 發表於 27-11-2014 02:48 PM
if cant buy this time, maybe selling the armored parts to earn some rather than buy the the plane an ...

i think you can sell the armored parts...around 18-20fish wor.
Why do u have armored parts but do not have the flighter ga?:Q

takeshi 發表於 27-11-2014 17:35:04

kogfss 發表於 27-11-2014 03:42 PM


whitedol 發表於 27-11-2014 20:32:21

bin 發表於 27-11-2014 05:23 PM
i think you can sell the armored parts...around 18-20fish wor.
Why do u have armored parts but do ...

魂限野訂就有架啦, 飛機諗住實再版咪入定先,但估唔到會升,不過有得拺緊係拺玩啦

bin 發表於 27-11-2014 21:41:19

whitedol 發表於 27-11-2014 08:32 PM
魂限野訂就有架啦, 飛機諗住實再版咪入定先,但估唔到會升,不過有得拺緊係拺玩啦

等等啦, 遲D会多货. 11-12魚先合理啦

mythsgod 發表於 27-11-2014 23:01:43

kenphl 發表於 30-11-2014 14:13:09


whitedol 發表於 30-11-2014 17:09:44


gapkwan 發表於 30-11-2014 23:07:51

Juat bought one in den den town for 18500 yen

mythsgod 發表於 30-11-2014 23:30:03

takeshi 發表於 1-12-2014 14:06:44

mythsgod 發表於 30-11-2014 11:30 PM
前幾天在 DEN DEN TOWN 的 SUPER KIDS 看到有香港的師兄, 買 17000 YEN 的 Perfect Grade 00 Raiser Gund ...

我見HK Y 拍都係13-14魚

gapkwan 發表於 3-12-2014 00:52:07

How come I can't find it gei !

弄內洋太 發表於 3-12-2014 00:58:31


kogfss 發表於 6-12-2014 07:56:21

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