港魂SHOP, 訂SH格古達, 真心"廢" !!!
港魂SHOP真係愈黎愈差, 開訂ITEM少, 開訂=CUT訂...有等如無......
我要"真魂SHOP"!!! HakiRyu 發表於 4-11-2014 01:04 PM
Seriously, we should go and occupy Central and stick up posters saying "我要"真魂SHOP"! We need to s ...
Supported. We should occupy 瑞記Office 本帖最後由 HakiRyu 於 27-10-2014 01:11 PM 編輯
Why don't you go and Occupy Central (佔中) for this reason? XD Instead of yellow ribbon, we should all go for red colored ribbon and protest for 我要"真魂SHOP!! This is so much meaningful... :DD 你要真魂shop咪移民去日本。 it is out of stock when I firstly see this item~I nearly check this everyday~~{:1_206:} 我覺得又唔可以怪佢港魂...
咁快截訂我相信係鋪頭大手入貨多... 港魂有返得訂 {:1_377:} 魂shop意義我理解應該係訂幾多生產幾多,重點係限時唔限量,即日截訂分明倒米… 港魂SHOP 又開返訂啦, 未訂的人快啲去訂啦 港魂Shop,格古達又Out of Stock! 開得3至4個鐘左右又冇貨? 真係咁好賣? 此終一個acc.可訂24隻就好快爆order.係難訂D,不過佢起碼肯再開訂係好事。 I was able to place order last night on p-bandai.hk but it appears to be out of stock again today
Maybe some people placed an order but didn't settle the payment in time and their order was forfeit so some quotas freed up last night
davehammer 發表於 28-10-2014 05:09 PM
I was able to place order last night on p-bandai.hk but it appears to be out of stock again today
M ...
我都覺得係D人擺左隻野入購物車 , 但係又冇做付款的動作 ,
系統會先幫佢KEEP起件貨 , 到某一個時限過了便自動取消訂單 ,
所以就出現左一時時有1隻,2隻比人訂?? 佢而家又係極速完訂