2015年4月 聖鬥士聖衣傳說 第2彈 人馬座 (官圖P5)
本帖最後由 stonekeung01 於 27-11-2014 03:57 PM 編輯https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1467190_10202908734902978_750580899_n.jpg?oh=65800061fbd242a58b8a365902bd89e5&oe=54B50D65&__gda__=1424845758_7e8ef89b6773f8cfee546f9255b542bf
i guess this will become another "dead stock":p 估計出埋呢隻就死line yugi 發表於 22-10-2014 11:47 AM
仲有隻識NTD紅骨0既星矢:p主角有乜可能走得甩,明知死路1條都會出埋佢 見到隻兩色EX,唔知點解心中有希望EX再版。 [新品消息] 聖鬥士聖衣傳說 最後一彈 人馬座 :x 我相信唔會再有第三隻了 我覺得幾靚ar:handshake: This will probably tank as well but Bandai will likely release a Pegasus anyway but if that one tanks as well, might be time say bye bye to this line.
Much like LC and Omega davehammer 發表於 22-10-2014 07:42 PM
This will probably tank as well but Bandai will likely release a Pegasus anyway but if that one tank ...
Omega...hmm...I thought the girl bronze saint would be released.... 如果係電影未星矢果件既話,我會入 希望出埋獅子先好cut! 雖然唔會入,但係好型呀:) 但佢隻雙子只係可動大膠,唔係可以著既聖衣,打左個節囉…