10242 Lego Mini Cooper
saw it from 香港樂高迷用戶組 - Hong Kong LEGO Users Groupand also brickset.com10242 Mini Cooper Mk VII
it will release on Aug 2014, US$99.99
The tiny car also features neat hidden details, like a brick replica of the car's engine under the hood, a spare tire compartment and a picnic basket and blanket set.
In recent years, members of the Lego fan community have called for a brick version of the Mini Cooper, even submitting homemade set concepts on Lego's Ideas website. This isn't Lego's first forray into classic car territory — the toy company released a brick Volkswagen T1 Camper Van in 2011.
To announce this tiny addition to the Lego family, the Lego Group created a short tongue-in-cheek preview video reminiscent of cheesy car commercials.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm84xWmxREE //www.youtube.com/v/Bm84xWmxREE?hl=zh_HK&version=3
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10255008_10152253852663893_1941067271833581388_n.jpg 唔太鍾意隻色咁灰沉沉 Just over my budget ,,,,,,,, 唔買過唔到自己....... pass :34:
您的帖子長度不符合要求。 此有興趣.....
如出 Fiat 500 此經典車也好.... 忍唔住入左架紅VAN 先, 架mini 等出一排價錢合理先入手都未遲 唔太鍾意隻色咁灰沉沉
eb1815 發表於 4-6-2014 02:22 PM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
British Green 係一隻經典顏色, 要咁先有味道 回復 1# Vaio
多謝大大資訊分享 呢部MINI好似第一次出, 正 我好心大心細... 唔知買唔買好... 但係一買就會想入埋架VAN... 真係幾靚,不過成千銀又貴左d ... 如果跌到八舊先考慮 超港人 發表於 10-9-2014 11:49 PM
想入就入, 仲要入埋架VAN添!
真係好惡魔... :D
等我諗下先... :D