師兄, 無行版就訂日版啦。。。。 Good!!!!!! MP14 MP11. :$ 2015......too far from today MP-10個模我真係好怕有問題,已經改色又再販唔只一次
lukyuet 發表於 19-5-2014 11:54 PM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
師兄, 你呢個係舊思維啦. 以前個年代可能有呢個問題, 宜家的模具係電腦鑄造, 好低成本可以重造一個, 所以唔會啦.
Mp10, MP11, MP 12, MP 14 reissue next year
頭先係FB: Planet Iacon - Singapore Transformers Fans Unite!! (S.T.F.U!!)見到, 有冇大大知道有冇地方開始開訂?
MP10終於唔使食炒價買了, 呵呵~ I already got the original drop but this is indeed fantastic news for those who missed out.
I feel bad for people who paid after market price or bought the "asia exclusives"... 全中!!!!! {:1_229:} http://n2.hk/d/attachments/day_130520/20130520_2a5bc5d1c8217700b5dfnqSbyXevRUfz.jpg MP 11 MP 14未入
出年入手:57: 本帖最後由 csysimon 於 20-5-2014 04:51 PM 編輯