jeffloh 發表於 29-12-2014 17:03:04

hkgkindaichi 發表於 29-12-2014 01:19 AM

BTAS delay了, 睇checklist就1月出. 仲有75周年boxset 2都係

Just-For-HIM 發表於 4-1-2015 22:19:52

請問各位師兄 知唔知道邊到仲有呢隻Deathstroke 賣

jeffloh 發表於 5-1-2015 09:39:04

Just-For-HIM 發表於 4-1-2015 10:19 PM
請問各位師兄 知唔知道邊到仲有呢隻Deathstroke 賣

single pack應該幾難搵, 如果唔介意早排出了一盒4-pack 有Deathstroke, joker, black mask同batman, 都係3舊幾4舊水左右

azsxdc998 發表於 12-1-2015 00:34:58

有冇師兄知到仲有邊度有得買DC collectibles the new 52隻superman

jeffloh 發表於 15-1-2015 09:44:20


hkgkindaichi 發表於 25-1-2015 16:32:20


jeffloh 發表於 25-1-2015 21:14:22

BTAS改了3月出, 原因是因為新figure會改ball joint物料因此delay了

getter1234 發表於 26-1-2015 00:49:35

姐係joker打後d wave 3 月先出?

jeffloh 發表於 26-1-2015 01:35:20

quoted from web:

They go on to say because of the changes being made with their quality control, wave 2 of the Batman: The Animated figures will be delayed.

We also have updates on the announced series of action figures. Because of the new changes to our quality control, we have delayed Wave 2 of the Batman Animated figures. The new plan is to have the Joker, Man-Bat and Robin release in March of 2015. Poison Ivy will be released later in 2015 as we want to be sure that her smaller joints are working perfectly. Wave 3A will now feature Killer Croc and the Creeper and will release in May 2015 while Wave 3B will feature Poison Ivy, Robin (from The New Batman Adventures) and Harley Quinn and release in June 2015.

We understand delaying the product causes frustration, but want to make sure you’re getting the best quality and are able to enjoy the figures to the fullest!

jeffloh 發表於 26-1-2015 09:56:26

Designer Series - Jae Lee Series (Batman and Superman) AUG-15

csp0120 發表於 26-1-2015 12:00:35

呢set 要set 入!

jeffloh 發表於 26-1-2015 13:43:53

csp0120 發表於 26-1-2015 12:00 PM
呢set 要set 入!

我都會set入~~ 不過希望多返少少 joint 啦 (又唔洗太多, 不過希望至少ankle有joint)

天涯孤客 發表於 26-1-2015 16:17:55


Assassin 發表於 26-1-2015 20:56:58

最多入wonder woman :shy:

stephen727 發表於 26-1-2015 23:20:13

Assassin 發表於 26-1-2015 08:56 PM
最多入wonder woman

哈哈同你一樣淨係對隻Wonder Woman有興趣:x
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