MR.POOR 發表於 14-2-2013 02:04 PM
the latest bfc zoalord issued in 2010 was 8xx....
if figma can keep its price line at 31x, it's still acceptable ge.Anything more than that isn't worth the $ in my point of view. the latest bfc zoalord issued in 2010 was 8xx....
if figma can keep its price line at 31x, it's ...
roundbun 發表於 14-2-2013 11:54 PM
已過了三年了, 世界發生好多事, 同樣一件貨, 同樣一條生產線Yen價由4K升至6K, 8K, 10K
三年前一佰萬左右的楼, 但現在連二佰萬尾的樓也不知尚有多少間, 只會不斷加價, 唔會減, 反正加價也好好賣, 至於BFC 我尚欠新川尚未買, 唔知高追好唔好, 當時這裡好多人講8佰唔值, 要等跌價到四佰, 但事實係由 $800-1200-1500-1800 話之你幾銀,買!:43: 希望不會只出2~3隻就停, 我覺得由卷島條女所帶領的解放之獸好正, 一個模可以出3個. :43: 好期待拎佢番屋企
[特報]2014 4月發售預定 figma Guyver1 (強殖装甲)
本帖最後由 fggdddsally 於 25-9-2013 06:19 PM 編輯2013 12月預約開始預定 figma 強殖装甲ガイバー
2014 4月發售預定 figma 強殖装甲ガイバー Guyver1
第一隻figma 就他∼∼ 好嘢!希望同期display的艾路活拉根也快d鐵定推出!! 加爾巴, 愛死你!!!! :71: 我不知道SIC會不會出:handshake: I will collect it as long as it's figma!! :) 一定會入. {:1_205:}
高屋良樹全面協力 --- 佢有時間不如畫多幾頁漫畫把啦, 已經二十幾年了. {:1_206:} 一定會入.
高屋良樹全面協力 --- 佢有時間不如畫多幾頁漫畫把啦, 已經二十幾年了.
taifat1975 發表於 25-9-2013 01:40 PM
過多年零就 30 年喇∼ 腰同股關節好怪:38: 感覺太過瘦長了...好醜,希望能修改