投訴 Strawberry 又引起罵戰
本帖最後由 hottoys專家 於 22-7-2012 11:25 PM 編輯唔該版主 封左佢
條友真係一而再 再而三 咁引起罵戰
如版主要封我 唔該係5小時前通知我
版主見帖後可封or DEL 支持.....支持......支持!!!! 封鎖咗自稱專家但係又有好多問題ger人先 回復 2# Strawberry
你係用心劇透囉:angry: 天呀....點解.....點~~~~~解~~~~~
點~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~解~~~~~~~~~~~~:DD 有冇人期待兩敗俱傷?:x 成日劇透,佢都有問題!
LE D賤精要封啦! 如果唔係一而再再而三中伏,我真係睬佢都有味,冇出口成脏已经好俾面佢 :45: 成日劇透,佢都有問題!
LE D賤精要封啦!
akiaki 發表於 23-7-2012 12:06 AM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
支持 支持 支持 :45: strawberry, i think you are an extremely selfisg person..image how you would feel if you haven't seen the film and someone else is talking about all the major events in it...at least discuss it after the movie has finished showing at the cinema :36: strawberry, i think you are an extremely selfisg person..image how you would feel if you haven't s ...
starsaber888 發表於 23-7-2012 12:40 AM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
佢會有同理心就唔會咁做啦...:45: 回復 9# supermodehk2
我都想知.得閒睇下佢果樣.......... 回復 6# adidas
ching 's 聖鬥士 photo is so cool!!