guyverguyver 發表於 24-3-2007 10:59:19


請問各位大大知吾知佢係咪搬左 or 摺左? 因為早排去果道發覺間舖變左睇掌睇相的舖頭.:sad:
any body told me........................thanks:ice:

[ 本文章最後由 guyverguyver 於 31-3-2007 12:24 AM 編輯 ]

aakohk 發表於 12-5-2007 22:31:32

I heard that they move to MK "Kai-wong"... but I can't find their new shop there wow?!

redfish 發表於 13-5-2007 12:21:56

原文章由 aakohk 於 12-5-2007 10:31 PM 發表
I heard that they move to MK "Kai-wong"... but I can't find their new shop there wow?!

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