abley 發表於 22-11-2011 13:09:14

UC4 中拜亞蘭Custom...機師是誰?


Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 22-11-2011 13:37:16

本帖最後由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 22-11-2011 01:53 PM 編輯

Ex-titans Ace Pilot - ROBIN.

Being a MS techician in EFF and fight for life during Zeon's attack! :)

S20081997 發表於 22-11-2011 16:29:38

Bro A, U can buy this month Gundam Ace
have his face n story :71:

starcheng 發表於 23-11-2011 12:10:11

官方漫話有講係邊位.係泰坦斯的王牌機司,但z gundam時期間因為不服軍令, 降級為整備員.
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