regzzero 發表於 4-11-2011 15:31:21

回復 30# flash

Seed/Destiny music (BGM, symphony) are heavily invested production
and well recieved in the market, including children (check youtube and it will tell)

flash 發表於 4-11-2011 15:48:09

回復 31# regzzero

precisely, a lot of ppl knew that bandai has invested a lot on
its soundtracks, but few actually gives credit to it. animation is
an entertainment experience, eventho its soundtrack won't
make or break a good animation, but it'll add lasting impression
to the overall series. in this regard, i think destiny surpasses a
lot of the other less fortunated gundam predecessors.

Oracle 發表於 4-11-2011 19:08:04

Market-driven Gundam...... If the rate keeps getting low, there might be a chance we can have a better "AGE" again.........

冬暖夏涼小恐龍 發表於 11-11-2011 22:42:14

本帖最後由 冬暖夏涼小恐龍 於 11-11-2011 10:48 PM 編輯 期待 new 0079 origin:75:

Billyboy 發表於 12-11-2011 09:18:41

回復 14# hondacl7

   I am 30+, and I like SEED a lot, just same as you that Gundam Seed brought me back to watch Gundam and bought my first MG Gundam - Strike Gundam.

黑色三連敗 發表於 12-11-2011 13:37:49

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