玩具人生 發表於 28-9-2011 10:10:15

good nice picture~~

聶風 發表於 28-9-2011 10:23:35


GTO 發表於 28-9-2011 10:31:50


馬仔 發表於 28-9-2011 10:41:27

上色正, 造型正, 劍同盾更正, 但係個價錢就.............

nelngan 發表於 28-9-2011 11:10:09

3千幾銀 :69: :50: :ice: :no: :59:

roundbun 發表於 28-9-2011 11:42:13

no doubt a god item.... & I luv the box size (comparatively small for this item)

Don't understand why Wave isn't willing to reproduce the regular version though... :42:

roundbun 發表於 28-9-2011 11:45:21

今次真係多得我既好朋友323, 我至可以快速入手此WAVE產品, 好似話...全球限定200隻既金屬色鐵巨神[係真 ...
ZIN 發表於 27-9-2011 11:03 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
"WAVE既武裝機甲黑色VER" ??? :?

i hope the paint job rigidity of this metallic version is as good as the initial production.

chal 發表於 28-9-2011 11:52:18

我昨日都去左買現貨 ,QC   基本上OK ( 無花 ) , 但發覺如下圖無指示的尖位位置 ,好似有修補過 ( 就好像水口位再修補下咁 ) , 唔知各位既係咪咁 ??


gingin銀銀 發表於 28-9-2011 11:54:54


riverchild 發表於 28-9-2011 11:55:07

Where can I buy it now? Can anyone pm me? Thx

Macross長谷有洋 發表於 28-9-2011 12:06:10

wow. :shiny::shiny::shiny:

黑色三連敗 發表於 28-9-2011 12:27:08

恭喜入到好野~~~~:77: 可惜個價太驚人~~~~:69: 都係玩番cm果隻算~~~~:56: 合金多嗎~~~? :36:

alchemo 發表於 28-9-2011 13:29:05


WalkerMachine 發表於 28-9-2011 13:35:19

好強嘅氣勢!! D pose set得靚到好似插圖咁:handshake:
( 唯有舞吓自己隻CMs 三千yen跳樓貨自我安慰囉:55:)

ckc882000 發表於 28-9-2011 13:49:22

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