http://upload.lsforum.net/users/public/f35210CVCVf227.jpg 恭喜曬,有唔少花紅bo:77: :handshake:WELL DONE 想起花紅...我只知我的只可用來補貼過年開支/保險費....我的花紅與玩具無關:68: ha, same with you, time to pay 保險費, too...... :help: Do you guys think that 保險 is really necessary and worth that much??? 似乎有唔少花紅...:D 假波明日香都入~_~ 花紅好!!! Good! 入得好~~~!! :71: Do you guys think that 保險 is really necessary and worth that much???gazza1211 發表於 30-1-2011 11:35 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
儲蓄/醫療保 are both must buy stuff to me