http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/888/sany0267c.jpg買左吾識玩,求詳細中文教學:64: :64: :64: 玩法是你一路收集,一路收集,一路收集..........直到永遠,阿門
最新港聞 發表於 8-1-2011 01:57 PM http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
的確, 呢D CARDS 應該係玩遊戲機, 好似宜加DIGIMON 咁....但宜加香港都冇玩RIDER 既遊戲機, 所以O係香港只係收藏一途= =
早幾年GUNDAM 都有咁上下既CARD, 但都係冇引入GUNDAM 遊戲機, 結果...... It was a arcade machine and u need to put the card and scanned by the machine and start to play.:(
I have seen it in Japan ToysR and please advise if I'm wrong.:) I think is this arcade machine.
check on 4 min 8 sec. Wonderland have one and I also wanna have a Chinese manual.Any CoCo can be shared here?:) 買左吾識玩,求詳細中文教學
061221 發表於 8-1-2011 01:53 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
如果有玩過最新個隻..NDS 拉打game...我會明晒:64: