DrChanBlackJack 發表於 15-3-2007 22:32:33

woo! great ar!!!:shiny::shiny::shiny::shiny::shiny:

Will U plan to buy the big Rx 78 as well ? It must be perfect match ! Pre-order is available in HK Sogo lately.

matchpong 發表於 4-4-2007 22:28:28


ZEONIC 發表於 18-4-2007 18:00:17

Great collection!
Thanks for sharing!

黑色三連敗 發表於 18-4-2007 21:47:04


tom.com 發表於 18-4-2007 22:27:06


趴地 發表於 19-4-2007 02:47:07


Johnny 發表於 23-4-2007 06:16:47

原文章由 趴地 於 19-4-2007 02:47 AM 發表

that is his basement ar!:DD man i need to go to t2's place very soon:DD

毘沙門天 發表於 24-4-2007 00:03:24


~28~ 發表於 24-4-2007 10:13:44


stvincent111 發表於 27-4-2007 06:06:05


ise_mogami 發表於 29-4-2007 17:52:46


ken@雲 發表於 29-4-2007 20:16:32

你開模型鋪ga= =???好有錢....

otaku 發表於 20-6-2007 14:26:56

Your speakers are quite good too, KEF. So you are not only just a pure toy freak , haha. But how come there is a back center speaker? Are u using 6.1 system?

t2_t2 發表於 21-6-2007 07:38:35

原文章由 otaku 於 20-6-2007 02:26 AM 發表
Your speakers are quite good too, KEF. So you are not only just a pure toy freak , haha. But how come there is a back center speaker? Are u using 6.1 system?

You are right, I am using 6.1 system:)

kingwjx 發表於 21-6-2007 08:40:26

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查看完整版本: T2的玩具世界 (舊--我的高達房) P.6 Update