simon_kkk 發表於 16-5-2010 22:11:45


本帖最後由 simon_kkk 於 16-5-2010 10:18 PM 編輯

小小收藏 , 多謝觀看:35:
某大型傢俬公司層板@49/pcs, 不過整到手軟~:70:

flicker :

himhimhim74 發表於 16-5-2010 22:16:19


Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 16-5-2010 22:28:19

Good collection but all your toys will cry when they stay in boxes.:shy:

timothy276217 發表於 17-5-2010 16:33:50

Good collection but all your toys will cry when they stay in boxes.
Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 16-5-2010 10:28 PM, seems that he doesn't open the toys :(at all

吉野凜花 發表於 17-5-2010 19:04:51


aesopq 發表於 18-5-2010 08:35:37


rider_kabuto 發表於 23-5-2010 19:38:31

好勁~ {:2_122:}

roystoy 發表於 23-5-2010 23:10:45

嘆息之床, 強!:shy:

meteor0309 發表於 24-5-2010 10:16:19

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