版主, server 是否有問題, 這幾天Toysdaily website 十分慢!
is there any problem, speed is super low no matter i vist your website from my company or at home, any brother also have this problem? Pls help to check check, thank.論壇速度問題
呢兩日開始唔知點解上親黎呢度都好lag好慢,開每個page都係,但上其他網就完全冇呢個問題 我o岩o岩想開post 問就發現原來有人同我一樣情況
希望盡快復原啦 我都係~~~發生乜事 >< 我都係:unhappy:
已問緊admin大大, 希望能盡快搞掂 , 請大家稍等:64:(共勉之:55:) :sad::sad::sad:
why back to 56k td ??:sad: me 2 very slow.....very lag 今晚情況好似嚴重o左添 英國呢邊都好慢...:o
大約香港時間嘅"上網黃金時間"就慢, 深夜就快:) 公司上係咁,返到屋企上又係咁?!之前唔是已經upgrade咗梳化麼? We get a same problem~ :79: 慢都算~ 圖都顯示唔到~ Yes me tooT^T 依家好好多啦... is there any problem, speed is super low no matter i vist your website from my company or at home, a ...
wilson121 發表於 12-3-2010 02:30 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
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