太陽之牙 發表於 15-5-2014 15:14:21


大姐姐 發表於 15-5-2014 16:54:50

Any brother knows what are the 轉彎 effect parts? Looks so good matching with ATs
ikkithefool 發表於 14-5-2014 13:45 http://toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

SR 超合金 電童和凰牙, 都有附送轉彎 effect part 一件。

roundbun 發表於 15-5-2014 17:05:58

why 1/20... {:1_224:}

1/18... 1/35... 1/48, any of these scales are better than 1/20 !!!

Panzer 發表於 15-5-2014 19:12:04

Because, Bandai can only issue 1/20.

Takara, damn you!

ikkithefool 發表於 16-5-2014 10:00:34

回復 4668# 大姐姐

thank you brother 大姐姐~~

Macross長谷有洋 發表於 16-5-2014 15:21:07

I like the 1/20 model-kit from Bandai, but they needs to make more different models.

Panzer 發表於 17-5-2014 19:12:53


太陽之牙 發表於 17-5-2014 19:44:45



Panzer 發表於 18-5-2014 14:26:19

咁就一set scopedog 2, 一set 正規軍改

ikkithefool 發表於 18-5-2014 22:11:15

本帖最後由 ikkithefool 於 18-5-2014 10:14 PM 編輯

Bandai might launch another scopedog 2 with short-barrel machine gun......

I think 1/20 new ATs are not really possible, pehaps normal fatty? But sales wont be good.
Just hope bandai will launch Scopedog turbo custom one day.

WalkerMachine 發表於 19-5-2014 17:47:12

I'm not a big fan of Bandai's 1/20 scopedog, for it's legs are too long and shoulders too high IMO.
1/48 is hopeless, excepting expensive fan made resin kits sold in Japanese toy events.
Now I hope Wave's new 1/35 model line will complete what Max's Factory'shad missed, or at least give us Diving Beetle and Berserga.

太陽之牙 發表於 23-5-2014 19:49:51



WalkerMachine 發表於 24-5-2014 05:16:53

本帖最後由 WalkerMachine 於 24-5-2014 12:22 PM 編輯

話說內子都好like Votoms隻 OP ,話隻歌好聽好有80s feel,歌手把聲都好靚
剛剛佢叫我揾揾歌手嘅資料(內子係"資料控"),原來佢叫 織田哲郎,
雖然當時Votoms OP 唔係佢作,但之後佢亦成為全能唱作人,喺日本應該幾出名下!

Machi 86'hit song "Baby Rose",織田哲郎 曲詞編全包 (同台演出):

SLAMDUNK 三井壽主題曲 "直到世界的盡頭" 都係佢作 (淚)

Youtube 揾 織田哲郎,好多歌都好順耳,好係我哋個年代囉:shy:

EF66-1192 發表於 25-5-2014 16:08:42

1/18 scopedog入手!{:1_208:}

Panzer 發表於 25-5-2014 23:11:17

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