太陽之牙 發表於 23-9-2010 23:31:56

Recently I haven't browsed ToysDaily as much as before too. Even I come, I'll come to this Votoms section only. Hope it bring be hit up again and we can see some more new AT toys coming...

Recently I've got the DVD boxset (bought at China, but seems the price in HK isn't much more expensi ...
ikkithefool 發表於 22-9-2010 09:21 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

小弟都少了上TD,留言更可免則免。玩具日報已經被悶蛋們佔據,加上管理不善,沉淪了… :80:






太陽之牙 發表於 23-9-2010 23:45:45

I just find out that you can also watch pretty much all Votoms on 百度, I am watching 機甲獵兵 for t ...
WalkerMachine 發表於 23-9-2010 09:06 PM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif



又,幻影篇的推出無助Votoms商品復活,要再收集1/48 AT恐怕只能靠M社:



ikkithefool 發表於 24-9-2010 08:05:47

回復 3330# garykctse

I haven't been there to have a look, but it's a kinda cube-like box set.
You can easily find it in yahoo auction, and it sells around 5 fishes.
In China I got it less for than RMB 4 fishes, so it wasn't much cheaper.

One shit thing is, 1-2 discs of my set got problem, can't read in DVD machine,
but can play in PC though, don't know it's my DVD machine is too old or what~

ikkithefool 發表於 24-9-2010 08:06:54

found a quite interesting Japanese Votoms fan web, there are some quite interesting developed ATs~

ikkithefool 發表於 24-9-2010 08:48:06

回復 你提到的裝甲騎兵DVD是否這套:
不知這套DVD畫質如何…? ] 太陽之牙

Yep, it's exactly this one.
Before I bought it, I also thought it's around 5 fishes, quite expensive.
(But it contains all TV episodes and totally 4 OVAs)
(And 1 more set of special ones which I haven't watched yet)
But actually it's happy to watch it on big screen with better quality.

Hope we can see 機甲獵兵 DVD set soon too~~

ikkithefool 發表於 24-9-2010 08:51:06

回復 3331# WalkerMachine

Yep, production cost has rised so much~~
However, I think it's not too hard to launch Tortoise mk.2, Strong Bacchus and Berserga DT...... they can use most original parts of the original AG series.
Of course the popularity of Votoms is much less than a few years ago though,....

bad luck for us as Votoms fans......

Recently I'm reading this Votoms Page again from the beginning, still can feel the passion of us Votoms fans 2-3 years ago~ very happy

Panzer 發表於 24-9-2010 09:12:11

Its easy for Takara to re-launch votoms, just sold them as limited items or only on on-line shop to test the water, if the order is good, they will not have risk at all. Of course, the phantom arc is a failure already, lets hope the OVA of the story before phantom can bring back fans/

garykctse 發表於 24-9-2010 09:21:47

我反而會想睇新果兩套 OVA, 睇吓內容有乜新衝擊 :43:

ikkithefool 發表於 24-9-2010 09:23:58

From the AT outlook, the 2 new OVAs are not quite acceptable for old fans like me~~

garykctse 發表於 24-9-2010 09:33:41

回復 3340# ikkithefool

但小弟覺得 Case:Ivran 果兩隻 AT, 混合左力士拿同狗狗嘅特點, 好想睇吓會係乜野表現

我係老餅, 但果兩套我都受到 :66:

Panzer 發表於 24-9-2010 09:39:47

From the AT outlook, the 2 new OVAs are not quite acceptable for old fans like me~~
ikkithefool 發表於 24-9-2010 09:23 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Yes, because:

Irvine - for new people of after 90s, love handsome boys and cleaner mechanics

Finder - Remove the heavy theme in the original series and introduce a simple hot-blood story line.

So, they are totally not for old man like me.

Therefore, the only hope is Alone again.

Raider 發表於 24-9-2010 10:32:05

OT: 除了"裝甲騎兵"之外, 以下80's 舊動畫也不錯:

1) 戰鬥機械

2) 機甲界 (TV & OVA)

3) 重戰機 L.Gaim

4) 聖戰士 (TV)

5) 聖戰士 (OVA)

6) 超時空世紀 Orguss

7) 銀河漂流 Vifam

ikkithefool 發表於 24-9-2010 11:16:14

Alone,...... so far watched 4 episodes, it's not too bad.
Wish to see the toys of the new berserga WP and the grey berserga (hope Takara will launch 1/48 AG series) coming out soon~~ seems not too possible though~

Yep brother Raider, there are many nice animation in the 80's.
I'm also big fan of Dunbine~

戰鬥機械, 機甲界 & 重戰機 are good too

Panzer 發表於 24-9-2010 13:08:25

OT: 除了"裝甲騎兵"之外, 以下80's 舊動畫也不錯:

1) 戰鬥機械

2) 機甲界 (TV & OVA)

3) 重戰 ...
Raider 發表於 24-9-2010 10:32 AM http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Can't agree more, since then, no more good real-type robots anime, and it is unlikely to have more in the future.

WalkerMachine 發表於 24-9-2010 13:53:18

新嗰套"幻影" 實在令人失望:49: 點解會搞到咁天馬行空...? 四集間又唔夠連貫性( 基利哥個樣又畫得唔夠靚仔:p)
但我對黎緊嗰兩套係有期望的, 就算變到熱血系, 或加入其他原素, 只要夠精彩緊張就好了, 不竟, 有幾多套舊Mecha anime可以出spin off出到今時今日呢?! ( Gundam, Macross.... Patlabor 的Movie3 已是2002 .. ) 無論如何都算好事
美男chara(求神拜佛唔好BL呀:50:)+現代colorful mecha, 今云嘅野心係想吸引新一代anime fans, 的確 SEED/00 成功將小朋友帶到Gundam世界, 但Gundam嘅世界實在太鋪天蓋地, Bandai嘅merchandising亦非常children friendly, 加上Games ... , Votoms實在好難做到~
我自己幾buy新design嘅ATs, 唔知MAX Factory會唔會出1/35呢:handshake:
原來Tudou有Xabungle!!!! Thanks Raider大佬! ( 可惜無字幕矣.... >_< )

OT : 講開real-type robots anime, 大家有冇睇餓沙羅鬼? 唔錯的!
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