ikkithefool 發表於 12-9-2009 08:47:19

原帖由 大姐姐 於 11-9-2009 07:44 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
閣下的Bruitishdog收藏品的確齊全, 但那兩盒1/35和1/24的模型是再版的, 欠缺了舊版附送的兩份「上色指南」,現在奉上, 敬請笑納。(已將scanner的解像齊度提高, 可放大打印)

Brother 大姐姐, these images are really good~~~ thank you so much!

ikkithefool 發表於 12-9-2009 08:49:30

原帖由 v3rider 於 11-9-2009 11:43 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Too bad that I never see in any HK toy shop

As I remember, this Scopedog Assault and Fatty have never appeared in HK toy shops

Panzer 發表於 12-9-2009 09:06:27

原帖由 ikkithefool 於 12-9-2009 08:46 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
I remember not long ago, a brother posted here saying can find Votoms DVD at MK~~
but I forgot where that post is, anyone still got info about where can find those Votoms DVD sets?
(I mean TV series ...
The Votoms DVD was Taiwan version as quoted by someone but I cannot find them also (basement of Sino Centre), the best way to find them is to bx from the web.

Panzer 發表於 12-9-2009 09:08:26

原帖由 ikkithefool 於 12-9-2009 08:49 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

As I remember, this Scopedog Assault and Fatty have never appeared in HK toy shops
Because they will become dead stock. No shopkeeper will take such horrible risk. Remember the case of $15 for 1/48 Fatty.

Panzer 發表於 12-9-2009 09:10:34

原帖由 大姐姐 於 11-9-2009 07:44 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

閣下的Bruitishdog收藏品的確齊全, 但那兩盒1/35和1/24的模型是再版的, 欠缺了舊版附送的兩份「上色指南」,現在奉上, 敬請笑納。(已將scanner的解像齊度提高, 可放大打印)

http://farm4.s ...
大姐姐's instruction sheets are still in good state! For those Dougram instruction sheets, the materials are even better!

ikkithefool 發表於 12-9-2009 09:44:46

原帖由 Panzer 於 12-9-2009 09:08 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Because they will become dead stock. No shopkeeper will take such horrible risk. Remember the case of $15 for 1/48 Fatty.

That's true though~~ it's quite horrible to see Fatty selling at $15~~
It's strange that shipship still imported CM's Rabidly Dog (even in small amount)
(and crazy people like me and Brother Douglas still bought at such high price)
but didn't import these 2 nice 35 MAX ones.

ikkithefool 發表於 12-9-2009 09:45:37

原帖由 Panzer 於 12-9-2009 09:06 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

The Votoms DVD was Taiwan version as quoted by someone but I cannot find them also (basement of Sino Centre), the best way to find them is to bx from the web.

buy from the web,....... do you mean Yahoo Auction?

Panzer 發表於 12-9-2009 16:14:38

原帖由 ikkithefool 於 12-9-2009 09:45 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

buy from the web,....... do you mean Yahoo Auction?
Ugh, not buy, but bx or xt, you know. Find the link for you later.

太陽之牙 發表於 13-9-2009 21:59:43


感謝大姐姐大大,Takara 1/24 Brutishdog 塗裝完成圖一向係我心目中紅狗的標準色。

當年Takara「太陽之牙」及「裝甲騎兵」模型內附贈的塗裝指南彩頁,往往將件完成品影到超靚超吸引~ :D


見New Kit企画有1/24 Diving Beetle... :oh:

Raider 發表於 14-9-2009 16:52:54

回覆 2545# 的文章

1:24 Beetle 其實有冇出過? :?
近期的Takara 1:24 復刻模型只有6款又冇佢份.

Raider 發表於 14-9-2009 17:01:08

小弟不懂玩card game, 也沒有儲card的嗜好.
但有時也有買card 的書(Gundam etc.), 一次過睇哂所有card, 當畫集咁睇.
原來Sunrise 的cards 出過少量Votoms, post 其中幾張:

[ 本帖最後由 Raider 於 14-9-2009 05:04 PM 編輯 ]

Raider 發表於 14-9-2009 17:06:19

網上找的 Votoms 影音&書list:

太陽之牙 發表於 14-9-2009 19:10:58

原帖由 Raider 於 14-9-2009 04:52 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
1:24 Beetle 其實有冇出過? :?
近期的Takara 1:24 復刻模型只有6款又冇佢份.

1:24 Diving Beetle 只有Max Factory出過空心膠G-kit, 香港都曾經有現貨賣。
Takara 那個新產品預告的1:24甲蟲已經永遠無法兌現…:unhappy:

太陽之牙 發表於 14-9-2009 19:18:34






SCOPEDOG 好正的比例。重有個囡囡~ :handshake:

jamesdean0083 發表於 14-9-2009 21:13:28

原帖由 太陽之牙 於 14-9-2009 07:10 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

1:24 Diving Beetle 只有Max Factory出過空心膠G-kit, 香港都曾經有現貨賣。
Takara 那個新產品預告的1:24甲蟲已經永遠無法兌現…:unhappy:
頁: 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 [170] 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179
查看完整版本: 裝甲騎兵迷請進!! Votoms 專區成立!!