ikkithefool 發表於 26-8-2009 19:14:24

原帖由 fb.workshop 於 26-8-2009 06:46 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

另外,今日路過荃灣「還求」,1/18 Dmz06 (scopedog + 太空背囊 + 男主角,不連大炮) 原價 $9xx,現照價四折,即四百有找,但只餘兩三盒,且手指鬆脫,有點瑕疵。

e?? even 「還求 」has votoms toys? I've never went there to find votoms toys~~

豬朋狗友 發表於 26-8-2009 19:26:17

小弟終於入咗隻1/18 Dmz03 女角版太空狗:shy: ,想問各ching,而家重有冇lens的改件賣同武器parts(有長槍一盒果隻)賣,幾錢到呢:77: thz~

ikkithefool 發表於 26-8-2009 20:47:52

原帖由 豬朋狗友 於 26-8-2009 07:26 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
小弟終於入咗隻1/18 Dmz03 女角版太空狗:shy: ,想問各ching,而家重有冇lens的改件賣同武器parts(有長槍一盒果隻)賣,幾錢到呢:77: thz~

1/18 doesnt have 武器parts except the one for red shoulder custom ~~~
Which scale do you mean about lens的改件??? metal ones for 1/35, 1/24 or 1/18?
or do you mean something else?

fb.workshop 發表於 26-8-2009 20:55:04

原帖由 ikkithefool 於 26-8-2009 07:14 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

e?? even 「還求 」has votoms toys? I've never went there to find votoms toys~~

「還求」只有很少款式,就今日所見,只有一款Dmz06及一款1/48 AG-VTM02 (水狗情景)。

garykctse 發表於 26-8-2009 21:35:07

"dead stock"... 鐵血同埋硝煙嘅命運?

唔型唔酷, 仲要「長有鬍鬚」嘅 MS 都被人插彈到一文不值, 咁「冇面目見人」嘅「最低野郎」...... :63: :63: :63:

豬朋狗友 發表於 26-8-2009 22:22:15

原帖由 ikkithefool 於 26-8-2009 20:47 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

1/18 doesnt have 武器parts except the one for red shoulder custom ~~~
Which scale do you mean about lens的改件??? metal ones for 1/35, 1/24 or 1/18?
or do you mean something else?

aiya 可能我心急睇錯,可能果盒係for yamato 1/12用,咁即係無得買其他槍用?另見綱有此lens賣 for 1/18 http://www.hlj.com/product/ADNANE-0026?nav=rss ,唔知香港有冇類似既呢,因覺得依家果個唔係好似一個鏡頭,唔知其他ching有冇改過呢果lens 呢?

ikkithefool 發表於 27-8-2009 09:11:59

原帖由 fb.workshop 於 26-8-2009 08:55 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

「還求」只有很少款式,就今日所見,只有一款Dmz06及一款1/48 AG-VTM02 (水狗情景)。

Thank you, but they're not the attractive items~~ ope can see some other nice ones on the market as dead stock~

ikkithefool 發表於 27-8-2009 09:16:52

原帖由 豬朋狗友 於 26-8-2009 10:22 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

aiya 可能我心急睇錯,可能果盒係for yamato 1/12用,咁即係無得買其他槍用?另見綱有此lens賣 for 1/18 http://www.hlj.com/product/ADNANE-0026?nav=rss ,唔知香港有冇類似既呢,因覺得依家果個唔係好似一個鏡 ...

I guess the one you saw is for 1/12. If you want other weapons for 1/18, Turbo custom is the choice.
It includes another 2 hand-held weapons and the extra parts for short-barrel machine gun:

I haven't seen those lens parts in HK, or perhaps sold out for long time~~

v3rider 發表於 27-8-2009 09:33:50

原帖由 fb.workshop 於 26-8-2009 18:46 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

1/24復刻藍龜的確未見過,但約半年前,1/24綠龜曾經有少量在 wonderxxxx 出現,小弟有幸在其北角分店以約$13x購入兩盒綠龜。

至於最近由wave加件推出的綠龜,定價約¥7000,油麻地曾有鋪以$43x 接受訂購,但恐 ...

Good morning brother~ Can you pm me where "荃灣「還求」" is? Thank you~

Panzer 發表於 27-8-2009 09:44:47

原帖由 豬朋狗友 於 26-8-2009 10:22 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

aiya 可能我心急睇錯,可能果盒係for yamato 1/12用,咁即係無得買其他槍用?另見綱有此lens賣 for 1/18 http://www.hlj.com/product/ADNANE-0026?nav=rss ,唔知香港有冇類似既呢,因覺得依家果個唔係好似一個鏡 ...

The lens you saw has long been sold out. Th only way is to wait and see any similar lens items on the market.:o

Panzer 發表於 27-8-2009 09:50:24

原帖由 v3rider 於 27-8-2009 09:33 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Good morning brother~ Can you pm me where "荃灣「還求」" is? Thank you~

Address: Shop 118, 1/F, Citywalk, Tsuen Wan, N.T. Tel. 36650804

v3rider 發表於 27-8-2009 09:51:35

原帖由 Panzer 於 27-8-2009 09:50 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Address: Shop 118, 1/F, Citywalk, Tsuen Wan, N.T. Tel. 36650804

Wa~ Thanks millions~~~~

fb.workshop 發表於 27-8-2009 11:55:44

原帖由 v3rider 於 27-8-2009 09:33 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Good morning brother~ Can you pm me where "荃灣「還求」" is? Thank you~


Panzer 發表於 27-8-2009 16:38:10

No thx:shy:

Time is money ma, go and get the dogs before sold out!

BTW, In's point still has 1/18 turbo, the shop on 2/F near the escalator.

v3rider 發表於 27-8-2009 17:16:33

I’m only missing DMZ-1 and DMZ-6. Hope I can get it tonight…
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