ikkithefool 發表於 22-8-2009 10:00:55

原帖由 v3rider 於 22-8-2009 09:44 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

順便報料: 2) 昨天 Ant Ant 出現番 AG-EX08, #))

Oh,........ Ant still has 1/48? I thought they don't have anymore~~

Do they have AG-V11 (Red shoulder Turbo Custom - for Chirico)?

[ 本帖最後由 ikkithefool 於 22-8-2009 10:02 AM 編輯 ]

Panzer 發表於 22-8-2009 10:01:41

原帖由 ikkithefool 於 22-8-2009 09:39 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

hahaha~ thanks for poisoning me, I'll go and get one~~~

Wanna ask one question. I know both Chirico and Fyana drive a all-green dog , but do they both use solidshooter when killing the fatties? ...
As far as I remember, most fatty killing scene are done by solid shooter. may need go back to those espiodes to confirm.:(

ikkithefool 發表於 22-8-2009 10:04:05

原帖由 Panzer 於 22-8-2009 10:01 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

As far as I remember, most fatty killing scene are done by solid shooter. may need go back to those espiodes to confirm.:(

Thank you. Cos I've only got the VCDs up to middle of Kummen part..... so I haven't watched the rest of the TV series.
And I always thought the green dog using solid shooter is for Fyana, and the one using short barrel is for Chirico
That's how I set my 2 1/48 green dogs.

v3rider 發表於 22-8-2009 10:52:57

原帖由 ikkithefool 於 22-8-2009 10:00 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Oh,........ Ant still has 1/48? I thought they don't have anymore~~

Do they have AG-V11 (Red shoulder Turbo Custom - for Chirico)?

AG-V11?! I didn’t see any in MongKok area. But I bought this from 動漫展 霞姐. ^( only~

v3rider 發表於 22-8-2009 11:00:55

One more news: DMZ-06 appears in 皆旺1/F (remember a fat gal~), ^((. Not my budget….

fb.workshop 發表於 22-8-2009 11:14:35

原帖由 ikkithefool 於 22-8-2009 09:39 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

hahaha~ thanks for poisoning me, I'll go and get one~~~

Wanna ask one question. I know both Chirico and Fyana drive a all-green dog , but do they both use solidshooter when killing the fatties? ...


Raider 發表於 22-8-2009 11:53:03

原帖由 ikkithefool 於 22-8-2009 10:04 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Thank you. Cos I've only got the VCDs up to middle of Kummen part..... so I haven't watched the rest of the TV series.
And I always thought the green dog using solid shooter is for Fyana, and the ...
旺角"信鵝"和灣仔"一發發"見有中文字幕的TV版DVDset賣, 最新的PF電影版DVD也見有.

Raider 發表於 22-8-2009 11:55:35

原帖由 Panzer 於 21-8-2009 05:06 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

That's why I urge brother Raider to submit this photo to the competition, the background and atmosphere are excellent.
其實張相我只是事Q旦旦放隻A.T.在電惱Mon前影, 所以望落去A.T.和背景的光暗很不協調.
另外我只有傻瓜相機, 不懂玩攝影, 騎兵在TD又較冷門, 參賽只有陪跑.:(

Raider 發表於 22-8-2009 12:00:55

原帖由 garykctse 於 21-8-2009 10:21 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
睇黎呢度個個而家都做左機甲獵兵 :34: :34: :34:
我已有大部份的1:48 Votoms 玩具.
目前只有Fatty (Type B)AG-V13 及"格鬥紫狗"AG-NO2這兩隻獵物在找尋中.......(hard targets),
不過我仍會繼續留意有冇其他款式出現市面, 再在此報下料.:43:

Raider 發表於 22-8-2009 12:03:49

原帖由 v3rider 於 22-8-2009 09:33 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
昨晚無意在皆旺3/F買到一隻AG-XX01(無証紙),全新竟然賣(*.雖然間野D貨源不嬲有問題,但check過完全ok,乜都無缺,勁底~ :DD
那應是全21種number的Red Shoulder 訓練用機吧.:p

Raider 發表於 22-8-2009 12:13:29

原帖由 v3rider 於 22-8-2009 09:44 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

1) Yamato 1/12 灰狗 ssp 精X 賣 #(). 3 boxes left~


但1/12 的Chirico figure 這長期失蹤人口仍然斷市中,
1/12 Fyana 就只見油麻地In's Point 一間店仲有, 有買襯手.

Raider 發表於 22-8-2009 12:17:00

原帖由 fb.workshop 於 22-8-2009 11:14 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif


Raider 發表於 22-8-2009 12:20:37

各位如要製作1:48 snow speeder, 可考慮用造形膠自己壓模複製parts.
這本大陸版中文書"Nomo Ken 4"的Chapter 7 就有詳細介紹如何自己造一個模來把parts 大量複製.
(書在旺角星際的"尚書X"有售, 記住封面是黃色字的第4期)
書中還有介紹如何自製手辦, 有時間的話真想自己造一個大型Fyana 半身像.

[ 本帖最後由 Raider 於 22-8-2009 01:07 PM 編輯 ]

v3rider 發表於 22-8-2009 12:48:24

原帖由 Raider 於 22-8-2009 12:00 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

我已有大部份的1:48 Votoms 玩具.
目前只有Fatty (Type B)AG-V13 及"格鬥紫狗"AG-NO2這兩隻獵物在找尋中.......(hard targets),
不過我仍會繼續留意有冇其他款式出現市面, 再在此報下料.:43:

please check pm ~ :36:

Raider 發表於 22-8-2009 12:55:17

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