唔知明天「蕉!!換懼逸」會唔會有CM's 的青之騎士Warrior 1賣呢?:?
提起 CM's MAS 裝甲騎兵,想問吓各位巴打,您地除左斷關節之外,有冇試過一樣嘢,叫做......
甩色落手指???? :time: :time: :time: :Q :Q :Q
另外擁有邪馬台 1/12 嘅巴打, 您地有冇用原廠提供嘅貼紙呀? 因為據小的以往經驗,呢 d 貼紙會好
快甩,所以小弟而家仲按兵不動,求各位大人指點迷津...... :64:
據我記得,我仲有幾張1/8 的圖,但要找一找才可肯定,如果有的話,我會放上來!針對甩色問題,你可試試用模型的面漆,是噴罐,有光澤、半光及消光三種,噴完可能會好些…… (不過我自己未試過:( )
貼紙易甩的問題,可試試先噴消光,一定要消光,令表面變得較粗糙,然後貼上貼紙,之後再噴面漆…… (不過我又是未試過用這方法在1/12 的scopedog上:( ,我只是試過在1/20scopedog模型貼水貼時用過這方法。)
[ 本帖最後由 fb.workshop 於 9-8-2009 05:31 PM 編輯 ] 原帖由 fb.workshop 於 8-8-2009 12:07 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
據我記得,我仲有幾張1/8 的圖,但要找一找才可肯定,如果有的話,我會放上來!
針對甩色問題,你可試試用模型的面漆(surfacer),是噴罐,有光澤、半光及消光三種,噴完可能會好些…… (不過我自己未試過:( )
1/8現在日雅見有2隻,價格高的十幾萬円,稍平的那隻也要五萬多円,實在太吃不消了:70: 這是餘下的關於1/8 Scopedog 的圖:
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2470/3799768459_06c64d2423_o.jpg 原帖由 fb.workshop 於 8-8-2009 04:50 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
這是餘下的關於1/8 Scopedog 的圖:
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2470/3799768459_06c64d2423_o.jpg 太棒了!!!感謝POST美圖!將此作為人生目標了!不過沒有很好的模型技術還真是難以駕馭它啊:79: 原帖由 garykctse 於 8-8-2009 10:00 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
提起 CM's MAS 裝甲騎兵,想問吓各位巴打,您地除左斷關節之外,有冇試過一樣嘢,叫做......
甩色落手指???? :time: :time: :time: :Q :Q :Q
另外擁有邪馬台 1/12 嘅巴打, 您地有冇用原 ...
使用Yamato 1/12 騎兵的貼紙(非水貼)時, 我是先為每張貼紙cut去多出的透明邊位, 之後才把貼紙弄出來貼上玩具.
貼上貼紙後, 再用手指甲慢慢地在貼紙上刮一會, 讓貼紙壓實在玩具上. Saw some 1/48 limited version (Oden RSC recruit, OVA Palisen File version, OVA Tortise) out in MK (Kxx Wxx). Interested bro can take a look. 原帖由 Panzer 於 10/8/2009 09:43 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Saw some 1/48 limited version (Oden RSC recruit, OVA Palisen File version, OVA Tortise) out in MK (Kxx Wxx). Interested bro can take a look.
果兩款「特別色」透鏡狗都好似唔係咁特別 (小弟愚見), 又唔見有龜龜, 所以小的冇買 :42:
不過轉頭見到 1/18 STTC, 個價 ok, 所以買左 :51:
[ 本帖最後由 garykctse 於 10-8-2009 09:33 PM 編輯 ] 原帖由 Panzer 於 10-8-2009 09:43 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Saw some 1/48 limited version (Oden RSC recruit, OVA Palisen File version, OVA Tortise) out in MK (Kxx Wxx). Interested bro can take a look.
Last nite I went to that shop and saw them too.
The Pailsen File version dog is without paper box and instruction manual, and seems it doesnt have missile pod.
(So, it's not the one for Berkoff)
The other Oden RSC recruit dog have paper box. But it's not the one for Chirico (#5), it's decal is an " i " (#6)
I didn't see the PF tortoise too, probably sold already~ 原帖由 ikkithefool 於 11-8-2009 08:43 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Last nite I went to that shop and saw them too.
The Pailsen File version dog is without paper box and instruction manual, and seems it doesnt have missile pod.
(So, it's not the one for Berkoff ...
Yeh, and the price gone up as well!:47: :53:
Also on the toyshow, CMs still have the remaining stock for Warrior One but at $4XX! Save for that as the joints are so "excellent". Possibly we can see them soon at SSP:58: . 原帖由 Panzer 於 11-8-2009 09:34 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Yeh, and the price gone up as well!:47: :53:
Yes, I saw the price raised~~~
I just searched in ebay, can find those 2 dogs (it's from a HK seller).
The Oden RSC recruit dog is in different no. though, seems suddenly HK sellers got some stocks of these "limited versions" 原帖由 Panzer 於 11-8-2009 09:34 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Also on the toyshow, CMs still have the remaining stock for Warrior One but at $4XX! Save for that as the joints are so "excellent". Possibly we can see them soon at SSP:58:
4XX 的話買唔落手了… 見主版博哂老命出「蕉!!玩具日」post,都知個show乜料,好彩一次都未去過。:he:
耐心等候Warrior One 在SSP出現~ 到時AB Set殺哂又點話~ :p 裝甲騎兵市場情報:
Microman Fyana with Didilium Capsule
(以前肥趣價HK$5X) 原帖由 太陽之牙 於 11/8/2009 22:30 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
4XX 的話買唔落手了… 見主版博哂老命出「蕉!!玩具日」post,都知個show乜料,好彩一次都未去過。:he:
耐心等候Warrior One 在SSP出現~ 到時AB Set殺哂又點話~ :p
達古拉姆大人: 咁又唔好話「蕉玩巨日」完全冇好野, 起碼小弟果日入左唔少 1/48 嘅狗狗、烏龜、肥田、烏蠅
同埋渦輪增壓 custom + 大卡車 :51: :51: :51:
[ 本帖最後由 garykctse 於 12-8-2009 10:23 PM 編輯 ] 原帖由 太陽之牙 於 11/8/2009 22:36 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Microman Fyana with Didilium Capsule
第一集「素體」培養床......小弟以前都見過, 不過無論點都買唔落手, 因為真係唔知點樣
係大庭廣眾之下 display......:31: