大和基拉 發表於 18-1-2010 15:57:33

:70:me too, pls help............

plasticboy 發表於 18-1-2010 17:59:54

joe6_6 發表於 18-1-2010 18:19:21


原居民Mk-2 發表於 19-1-2010 13:36:41


K9999 發表於 19-1-2010 14:08:34


genesicgaogaiga 發表於 19-1-2010 20:08:52

Be patient.
Even as a moderator, I also failed in uploading my head icon.
We have asked our IT people to solve this issue.
Thank you for your attention.

y2jlch 發表於 21-1-2010 01:13:21

我都唔得...waiting for solution!

八口八口 發表於 22-1-2010 19:55:28


毓民MKII 發表於 25-1-2010 21:01:41

有冇IT人攪攪呀 ~~

Vince 發表於 30-1-2010 14:41:40

大家可以試一下, 現在 應該或者有機會有可能有希望 可以 upload 了.

機動G 發表於 30-1-2010 23:36:13

本帖最後由 機動G 於 30-1-2010 11:41 PM 編輯

:67:但質素唔係幾好 ……

initialb 發表於 31-1-2010 00:16:02

"access denied for agent changed"

Can anyone tell me what does it means everytime when I tried to upload, this message popped up and the upload failed.

Many thanks!!!!
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