K987000 發表於 2-12-2009 17:36:18

:71: :71: :71: :x :x

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 2-12-2009 18:24:08

原帖由 hardmandx 於 2-12-2009 02:31 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

That's it!It is fact.......... :(

原帖由 WalkerMachine 於 2-12-2009 02:52 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

Certainly not!Paid already and it is the sample.I have ordered 3 12" heads and 3 SIC size heads already!:)

原帖由 密斯威爾 於 2-12-2009 03:08 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
如果係不如搵人用首辨件雕出黎唔會重似d咩? (心諗橫掂都預左拎舊錢出黎...:? )

1. Yes!Lazer print, I guess!:)
2. That's why I have a "project" item stated at the end of my thread!:shy:

原帖由 prosheng 於 2-12-2009 03:36 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
德哥...第一次用英文做REPORT !!!?

U mean this is my first time to use Chinese for Toys Review?:?

原帖由 goodies 於 2-12-2009 03:56 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif

所以RIDER DMS只可以以正面示人~~正面係幪面超人﹐則面係無鼻超人。

That's truth.............. :shy:

原帖由 heishuntam 於 2-12-2009 04:47 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
樓主大大我知道你的真正身份 原來我間公司都有幫開你果到手的:handshake:

Yes!I know who u are also!:)No need to feel nervious and say hi to me next time.Casue, u will visit my office every time........... :)

原帖由 otaku 於 2-12-2009 05:25 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
If you wanna e rider so much, why don't u just buy a rider suit and helmut? I think it is available for less than HKD15k

Many friends in other forum also convince me to do so.But, for my high standard of requirement, I want a tailor made Ultimate Kuuga suit and don't want to get a finished Thai's version........... :55:

alexsllee 發表於 2-12-2009 19:04:25

德哥 GREAT JOB !!:71:
對我嚟講真係只此一次(如果出 RAH 自分魂....:no: )

歐比旺.肯諾比 發表於 2-12-2009 19:08:33

拉打德號:71: :71: :71:

忠實拉打迷 發表於 2-12-2009 19:12:03


大舊金 發表於 2-12-2009 19:14:09

:44: 整到個樣成舊蕃薯咁

簡單無意 發表於 2-12-2009 20:00:19

:71: 这个有意思,要支持,不过还是很可惜面相没做出立体感来

龍劍飛 發表於 2-12-2009 20:46:12

德哥, 請受小弟一拜 :)敬佩 + 佩服

cybaster 發表於 2-12-2009 21:06:03


mirage 發表於 2-12-2009 21:16:32



021b17 發表於 2-12-2009 21:40:20

kamen rider 德:71: :71: :71:

nesidoh 發表於 2-12-2009 21:54:41

搞錯, bandai 唔包眼鏡 :time: :handshake: :handshake:

DrChanBlackJack 發表於 2-12-2009 21:56:52

interesting ! :shiny:

seem to have some interest tim...

BTW, is it all hairstyle is the same ??Can I request glasses??:shy:

Karaku 發表於 2-12-2009 22:05:27


F-14 發表於 2-12-2009 22:08:13

:handshake: :$
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