32 plastic boxes of toy just packed this weekend total 4000 litre
http://hk.imgup.auctions.yahoo.com/images/2/75/f1/ed/manlung_tse-img450x600-1258279522944398_0017430-2.jpg 露天?????????? 大大....你好野:71: .....我真係唔敢放係露台回覆 2# 的文章
No way, that's too muchstill under cover and anti-humidity is equipped inside the boxes
The more valuable toys are stored in indoor 一個字"crazy"!:50:
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I really hope I can open some boxes in Christmas holidays. Take care, even with dehumidifier inside this kind of box will be useless after a period of time.Exposure to heat from Sunlight, exposure to humid air, rapid exhaustion of the dehumidifier...................:(
Why not renting a mini warehouse, outdoor for toys is really too much for me........................:55: Remember to post your new cabinets afterwards! :D
I remember that I need to use 2 vans to deliver my toys to my new home 3 years before!:(
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The view you see is my new home, I had moved all those thing on foot from my old place (the distance is about 70m)I really don't know how many turns I took to finish the logistic
Actually, the place behind the wall is a dinning room, 2 cabinets are situated there, a big one is for MIAs and Robot spirit and a small one is for BB gundam. But, the area between the cabinets is full of toys (as you may see some........) 本帖最後由 hehemimi 於 4-5-2010 08:28 AM 編輯
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