其實我覺得呢個版可以獨立生存, 睇下其他壇都有高達專區仲至專壇, 點解一定要同ACG合併, 寄人離下??
thx 4 ur long term support:77: Suggest to keep the two channels, as least for a few months first.
Although the Gundam forum has few non-Gundam topics,
it brings more convenience to Gundam fans. Both for locating topics and posting ideas.:73:
The ACG forum provides the missing link for non-Gundam interets.:52:
As Tasuku says:71: , the friendly and mutual respect here are assets. Good manner members will grow traffic here as well as contribute to more discussion in ACG topics.
Let us observe for a while.:43: 唔明做咩一開始有人講到好似嘈交咁...算啦, 當我無講過
高達區帖都唔少啦, 何必要同其他區撈埋呢...?
但係呢個時代, 將個區改名做"機械人區"一類的名又很煩...
因為E+已經愈來愈多魔法或其他東西X機械人的動畫了(例: 機巧魔神)
話佢地係機械人動畫又唔係, 魔法又唔係, 唔通將一套野分機械人同魔法部份咁去兩個區討論咩...
所以我覺得, 如果係要"改革", 就將非高達的科幻動畫轉到ACG區
除非係同高達有關(例: 鐵甲萬能俠大戰高達的話邊個會贏? <---亂吹的)的話題, 唔係都唔好放去高達區, 咁更好啦 將ACG改為AC區~!
電玩區都已經獨立... 原帖由 小櫻 於 26-10-2009 11:20 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
ACG區查實靜英英... 小櫻貼嘅動畫Post... 啲作品都唔冷門嫁啦都無乜人討論... 你再掟啲Gundam嘢過嚟嘅話未更加無人睇?...
再者... 個Gundam區就係方便啲人 ... 雖然唔討論,不過都會睇下你的動畫介紹貼有咩好介紹
講真同好區仲係主版生存未變專區果陣,我都懷疑左好耐點解明明入邊係吹水帖叫人聚會,點解會冇比人移走 我不贊成合併。Gundam個Topic有其獨有Fans,鐘意Gundam並不代表喜愛其他ACG。 I think that the Gundam fanbase is large enough to have its own board as it is and it is sustainable with a fair amount of activities. I therefore disagree to the merge of the two boards together.