由於上玩具日報已經成為茶餘飯後,返工解悶的日常指定動作,我地眾網友亦希望TD 搞得更加好更加大.
PS 絕無不滿成份....純屬溫馨提示 Between.... always need to press the "back key" for 3 times in order to switch back to previous page...:DD 有時仲會這樣.....希望我提供的資料對版主有用
http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9241/wcap.png 原帖由 BlackD 於 2-9-2009 11:10 AM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9241/wcap.png what happen of td ?? can td recover ?? 仲以為我 IE 有問題 :79: 我覆人pm reload完唔知點解成個pm box裡面delete晒:79:
跟住一直上唔到... 祝 TD 身體健康...:61: My mails in Inbox were all gone also................. :oh: And, I want to move this post to Enqueries Forum but fail..................... :no: :no: :no:
I can only see a blank page after click the "move" buttom............. :no: 我開唔到新post........:56: me2:79: 上唔到嚟真係好痛苦,我都祝TD[身體健康]:DD 原帖由 roundbun 於10:48 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Between.... always need to press the "back key" for 3 times in order to switch back to previous page...:DD
Same case with you. I also got the back page problem and found the ads in TD got such problem.
Here is a solution I use for that.
Click IE menu bar 工具-> 網際網路選項->安全性-> select 限制的網站 -> click網站
-> input:
http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net ->新增
http://pagead2.googlesyndiction.com ->新增
You are now able to back page again.