Shiro 發表於 20-6-2009 23:48:16

It is interesting to see the position of its arms, looks like it is designed to hold the rifle and the shield in the future!I hope they don't tear it down after the celebration!

字伏 發表於 20-6-2009 23:54:11


K987000 發表於 21-6-2009 00:02:55

Thanks for sharing!!!!!:71: :71:

kenny305 發表於 21-6-2009 01:24:34

禁detail, 隨時識行識飛都唔定:43: (北韓小心呀:34: )

吉姆 發表於 21-6-2009 01:34:44

樓主就好啦 現場睇到實物~
話時話 個feel真係好似識行咁:55:

sai 發表於 21-6-2009 10:05:37


evil0930s 發表於 21-6-2009 10:19:27

果然邁向真實之路    裝甲碎化是必要的阿.....

相較於充滿細節的身體   頭部細節反而有點少?

steve522 發表於 21-6-2009 10:23:06


endlessblue 發表於 21-6-2009 10:33:17

very nice pics, support!!!

Astrain 發表於 21-6-2009 10:38:22


plasticboy 發表於 21-6-2009 12:49:03

:$ 下星期到我啦~~

Macross. 發表於 21-6-2009 13:01:52

謝圖!! :love:

龍珠迷 發表於 21-6-2009 13:08:11

:38: 我想問點解成日見佢隻手好似握住d野咁

我很快 發表於 21-6-2009 20:30:44

日本人真係天才:handshake: ........總有一日....會有一隻可以郁既gundam...........希望會做d變形既機械人啦:$ ...........

米肥 發表於 22-6-2009 00:24:20

見到相都覺得感動 :love: 大大快 d 影埋 d 戰利品黎睇 :shiny:
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