flayn80 發表於 28-5-2009 15:07:00

[原創][玩具改造]幪面超人RX 12 吋大膠改做

Economy bad, not $$$ to buy RAH RX :79:. So decided to custom one. No delay, post pictures now.:73:




Half completed, hope to finish by this week end.:54:

嚐百草 發表於 28-5-2009 16:02:23

期待:$ :$

888ken 發表於 29-5-2009 23:02:28

Can't wait to see the finished model - with white socks maybe:he: a bit like Jacko.
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查看完整版本: [原創][玩具改造]幪面超人RX 12 吋大膠改做