bigjohn2hk 發表於 7-2-2008 00:01:07

:$ 豬年過去了...:$
:handshake: 恭祝大家新一年身體健康:handshake:
:78: 多啲嘆茶:78:
:^ 買到更多SIC..:^

潮流特駒 發表於 7-2-2008 03:38:38

原帖由 bigjohn2hk 於 7-2-2008 00:01 發表
:$ 豬年過去了...:$
:handshake: 恭祝大家新一年身體健康:handshake:
:78: 多啲嘆茶:78:
:^ 買到更多SIC..:^

咪"老鼠"咁樣 = Like Mickey Mouse?? HA HA :34:Wish all SIC fans HAPPY NEW YEAR~~!! :77:

vitamin_roy 發表於 13-2-2008 01:04:49

:77: 大家過年有無BUY乜新野啊?

Douglas.M.Saint 發表於 13-2-2008 09:45:17

For SIC, only Agito only.............. Casue no new item has been issued.............. :unhappy:

bigjohn2hk 發表於 13-2-2008 10:13:52

原帖由 vitamin_roy 於 13-2-2008 01:04 AM 發表
:77: 大家過年有無BUY乜新野啊?

都冇乜嘢出, 所以只能改嘢...:ice:

潮流特駒 發表於 14-2-2008 00:54:50

原帖由 bigjohn2hk 於 13-2-2008 10:13 發表

都冇乜嘢出, 所以只能改嘢...:ice:

:? :?

roundbun 發表於 14-2-2008 01:06:13

Dear all big big, i have some questions regarding the SIC series...

i) which is the best SIC in terms of being an action figure (with best articulation / movement joints)??

ii) SIC Vol. 38... what is the approximate market price.. is it a good one?Is it actually the same as SIC Vol. 11 ??

iii) SIC Vol. 31... anyone got this 3 in 1 set (the 3 sword-men)?Is $)X a reasonable price ?

Thanks in advance for any info provided!

roundbun 發表於 14-2-2008 02:19:17

Oh thx very much for your reply on the other SIC thread!!!Since you're an expert of SIC, I think I'll take your comment of"關節方面小弟暫時仍不太滿意" seriously.Also heard similar comment from a familiar toy retailer.Perhaps it was just my misconception that the SIC having very good articulation joints, cuz it doesn't seem so bad from some of the SIC photos (e.g. Vol 40 Agito).I first thought the SIC would not be any worse than the upcoming smaller-sized SH figure series.

But how come Vol. 11 is considered better than the much newer Vol. 38 lei..?? Aren't they the same character but Vol. 38 is an "improved version" ??

As for 3 劍俠, thx for your advice on prices... I'll try to find more retail shops that sell this set (cuz so far I've only seen it available in one shop !

bigjohn2hk 發表於 14-2-2008 23:40:39

原帖由 潮流特駒 於 14-2-2008 12:54 AM 發表

:? :?

全世界都有超人: 美國有Superman, 日本有Rider+Ultraman, then 中國有.....:78:

kimcity 發表於 14-2-2008 23:42:19

原帖由 Douglas.M.Saint 於 13-2-2008 09:45 AM 發表
For SIC, only Agito only.............. Casue no new item has been issued.............. :unhappy:
me too:45:   only uy vol 40 :34:

潮流特駒 發表於 15-2-2008 00:52:42

原帖由 roundbun 於 14-2-2008 02:19 發表
Oh thx very much for your reply on the other SIC thread!!!Since you're an expert of SIC, I think I'll take your comment of"關節方面小弟暫時仍不太滿意" seriously.Also heard similar comment from a ...

Ha ha....I'm not a expert......just a little comments, no need thanks....anyway about"關節方面小弟暫時仍不太滿意"....因為新款都仲有"甩較"既情況.....:79:

about 3劍俠....小弟甩過最平 $!$)......u can check check and think need buy or what....:55:

bigjohn2hk 發表於 15-2-2008 01:26:15

小刺蛋 發表於 15-2-2008 11:20:49

原帖由 bigjohn2hk 於 13-2-2008 10:13 AM 發表

都冇乜嘢出, 所以只能改嘢...:ice:

改緊super -1 ??

潮流特駒 發表於 15-2-2008 11:35:25

原帖由 bigjohn2hk 於 15-2-2008 01:26 發表

OH......SO GOOD TO MAKE 桃太郎.....:71:

bigjohn2hk 發表於 15-2-2008 19:29:09

原帖由 小刺蛋 於 15-2-2008 11:20 AM 發表

改緊super -1 ??
全世界都有超人: 美國有Superman, 日本有Rider+Ultraman, then 中國有.....:78:
劉所長: 哩個係我幾十年的研究成果...

[ 本帖最後由 bigjohn2hk 於 15-2-2008 07:30 PM 編輯 ]
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