genesicgaogaiga 發表於 11-4-2009 03:08:11

new toy pics with my new D90 +Zigma F2.8 18-50 macro EX

Justbought D90 and tried some new pics for comparison.
Zigma F2.8, 18-50 macro

old FX 55
new D90

old FX55
new D90

Still not satisfied.

Any suggestion on the ISO setting, EV and focus.

new D90

上下盤 發表於 11-4-2009 16:02:11

我估是光線太接近或過強令照片不夠 sharp,大大再多試不同光線的拍法吧。:58:

genesicgaogaiga 發表於 11-4-2009 20:52:49

I will try other source of light.

Tried different aperture:

It seems that F2.8 is too much.
I changed the ISO to 200, F to 5.6 and EV to +1.

A little improvement.

old pic with FX55

BY the way, how can I make the white background less greyish?
EV was already increased and overadjustment would cause overexposure of the toy.
In addtion to light source, anything to adjust??

wilsont 發表於 12-4-2009 23:15:00

原帖由 genesicgaogaiga 於 11-4-2009 08:52 PM 發表
I will try other source of light.

Tried different aperture:

It seems that F2.8 is too much.
I changed the ISO to 200, F to 5.6 and EV to +1.

A little improvement.

old pic with FX55
htt ...

主要都係lightsource , 同你需要一個攝影柵, 你會灰係因為有d 地方光有d 地方唔夠光, 光源唔平均搞到咁,
光圈方面2.8 景深太淺, 下次可以試下5.6 -11, 睇你手持定落腳, 落腳再收細d 都無坊,

mars 發表於 13-4-2009 00:30:15

原帖由 wilsont 於 12-4-2009 23:15 發表主要都係lightsource , 同你需要一個攝影柵, 你會灰係因為有d 地方光有d 地方唔夠光, 光源唔平均搞到咁,光圈方面2.8 景深太淺, 下次可以試下5.6 -11, 睇你手持定落腳, 落腳再收細d 都無坊, :71: agree

:73: wish brother genesicgaogaiga would share more pics soon!!

genesicgaogaiga 發表於 13-4-2009 00:34:47

原帖由 wilsont 於 12-4-2009 23:15 發表

主要都係lightsource , 同你需要一個攝影柵, 你會灰係因為有d 地方光有d 地方唔夠光, 光源唔平均搞到咁,
光圈方面2.8 景深太淺, 下次可以試下5.6 -11, 睇你手持定落腳, 落腳再收細d 都無坊,

Thanks for your suggestion.

So F5.6 -11 should be my combination.:64:
ISO 100-200 should be OK, I guess.

I actually used a lightbox but its design is different from ordinary one. The light is directly shinning from the top. I would buy a new on later, a ordinary soft lightbox with better lighting from 3 sides.
I hope that I can have some clear good pics.

wilsont 發表於 13-4-2009 00:40:40

原帖由 genesicgaogaiga 於 13-4-2009 12:34 AM 發表

Thanks for your suggestion.

So F5.6 -11 should be my combination.:64:
ISO 100-200 should be OK, I guess.

I actually used a lightbox but its design is different from ordinary one. The light ...

你仲可以試埋用飛燈係支閃係個lightbox 後面閃, 包你個背景夠曬白淨:he:
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