squareone 發表於 19-4-2009 17:00:20


KATO 發表於 19-4-2009 20:47:04

祝早日康復:77:& 出新的金毛:77:

黑色三連敗 發表於 19-4-2009 22:37:11


DDDragonball 發表於 22-4-2009 23:13:50

next step, crazy lot of clear print put on top!!!

DDDragonball 發表於 23-4-2009 07:18:35


香港人 發表於 23-4-2009 07:51:52

:shiny: 就黎可以合体喇~~!!!

ginnytyson 發表於 23-4-2009 08:04:34

good !:71: support!

DDDragonball 發表於 23-4-2009 09:15:57

It should take 2-3 more week, please hold on~~ all big big~~

老文 發表於 23-4-2009 09:36:39


goodies 發表於 23-4-2009 11:50:39

D 色靚到同盒面張相一樣。如過出合金魂﹐笨大要好好向樓主學習學習下。

mark6 發表於 23-4-2009 12:10:30

:handshake: 想問問大大用乜方法將舊既油漆"省"走至見到鐵呢, 仲有金屬件要點樣上色先唔會咁易成塊新油脫落呢...見到你既作品我都想幫d合金車翻新0下呀...

DDDragonball 發表於 23-4-2009 13:48:01

will have detail report later, please wait.

Sapphire 發表於 23-4-2009 15:01:45

Hi brother, I think you need to correct your title, otherwise we need to wait unit 13th April 2022.......:79: :79:

DDDragonball 發表於 23-4-2009 15:28:09

原帖由 Sapphire 於 23-4-2009 15:01 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
Hi brother, I think you need to correct your title, otherwise we need to wait unit 13th April 2022.......:79: :79:

oh yes, you are right....thank you.

squareone 發表於 25-4-2009 09:54:49

weekend again! hurry up la... many of us waiting u to finish it! dont be lazy, ok?!:@
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