笨大應該會為此玩具出超合金魂,但超合金版郤有它另一種味道及回憶......:51: 合體後條獅尾係咪收唔埋? 新嘅一樣:30:
p.s:強烈要求BANDAI馬上開發金毛獅王超合金魂版:53: 原帖由 DDDragonball 於 15-3-2009 03:39 PM 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
這件已有31年的古前文物,相信所有讀者都認識,31年前,小弟只得5歲,當時這卡通片己令我著迷萬分。那個獅子口裡噴出的火炎成了一把劍,十分英偉。最記得小学大考完老師會比啲小朋友戴玩具返& ...
支持再版金毛仔!!!!樓主都用兩個月翻身左佢,笨大正係識翻炒翻炒再翻炒D出過既機。。。。頂。。。。。想比佢昆錢都唔得,雖然我無樓主咁大,但細個都擁有個一隻,可惜又係唔識珍惜拎左去堆填。。。我仲好記得個合體係獅子隻腳插入去,仲好穩,唔似得宜家D玩具,又驚佢甩頭又驚佢甩骨。。。唉。。 原帖由 sundaydriver 於 11-5-2009 09:32 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
經典重現!氣勢迫人!!:79: :79:
p.s. :34: :34: 強烈多謝最尾張laptop screen用左我個patlabor post做background,心感榮幸!!:71: :71:
You are welcome, by the way, I bought a 1/24 Patlabor because your post is really good~~ one question, Did you just make up the blue light inside the control room? because I can't find the light button for inside.... 原帖由 DDDragonball 於 11-5-2009 11:33 AM 發表:You are welcome, by the way, I bought a 1/24 Patlabor because your post is really good~~ one question, Did you just make up the blue light inside the control room? because I can't find the light b ...
haha!! sorry張相令你誤會,其實只是開了上蓋,再用手提電話照落去影相。:34::34:
[ 本帖最後由 sundaydriver 於 11-5-2009 11:50 AM 編輯 ] 原帖由 sundaydriver 於 11-5-2009 11:47 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
haha!! sorry張相令你誤會,其實只是開了上蓋,再用手提電話照落去影相。:34::34:
Oh, I see, but your post is really good, so make me get one....ha~~ thank you 冇火炎劍:45:
回覆 279# 的文章
I wish I can have one. 完成了,下一個是誰????????????? 其實既然樓主整得大武士同金毛,無理由會放過超力同V型....:58: :71: :71: 恭賀DDDragonball大大金毛post突破十萬觀看人次!!!:71: :71::43: :43: 可喜可賀!:43: :43: 原帖由 sundaydriver 於 11-5-2009 14:51 發表 http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/images/common/back.gif
:71: :71: 恭賀DDDragonball大大金毛post突破十萬觀看人次!!!:71: :71:
:43: :43: 可喜可賀!:43: :43:
thanks, I wait for the moment long long time.....thanks again. 好正呀!:71: 謝謝分享!:64:不過人仔隻腳邊未整喎,整埋更加完美。:D Our toys have a small difference...
Watch the blue cover for the cookpit
[ 本帖最後由 bigjohn2hk 於 11-5-2009 08:02 PM 編輯 ]